[1] Archiv / MLD 3.x / Development / Angepasstes Hd Iso 23.07. Installing Vdr Failed

Offline niesen

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Angepasstes Hd Iso 23.07. Installing Vdr Failed
« on: July 23, 2011, 21:05:27 »
Angepasstes HD ISO von heute 23.07. started nicht komplett

Code: [Select]
Installing addon: text2skindone
Installing addon: vdr          failed
Installing addon: xineliboutput
/etc/applications/rc.register: line 24: can't create /usr/share/applications: Is a directory
Installing addon: webserver

die volle sysinit

Code: [Select]

Copy initramfs to aufs:
Mounting System device /dev/hdc:
Preparing aufs:
Tue Jan  1 19:57:29 UTC 2002
Setting up logging: done
Mounting all filesystems: done
Preparing read-only system directory: done
Turn on DMA for /dev/hdc:done
Setting up netware: done
Importing addon: chromium-browserdone
Importing addon: fontsdone
Importing addon: installdone
Importing addon: acpidone
Importing addon: alsadone
Importing addon: dvbdone
Importing addon: dvb-usbdone
Importing addon: networkdone
Importing addon: network-driversdone
Importing addon: network-wirelessdone
Importing addon: xorgdone
Importing addon: xorg-nouveaudone
Importing addon: localesdone
Importing addon: mplayerdone
Importing addon: musicplayerdone
Importing addon: pangodone
Importing addon: sambadone
Importing addon: smbclientdone
Importing addon: sshdone
Importing addon: text2skin-anthra-skinsdone
Importing addon: addonsdone
Importing addon: livedone
Importing addon: messagedone
Importing addon: setupdone
Importing addon: text2skindone
Importing addon: vdrdone
Importing addon: xineliboutputdone
Importing addon: webserverdone
Importing addon: xinelibdone
ldconfig: /lib/libncurses.so.5 is not a symlink
ldconfig: /usr/lib/mesa/libGL.so.1 is not a symlink
Installing addon: chromium-browser
/etc/applications/rc.register: line 24: can't create /usr/share/applications: Is a directory
Installing addon: fonts
Installing addon: install
Installing addon: acpi
Installing addon: alsa
Installing addon: dvb
Installing addon: dvb-usb
Installing addon: network
Installing addon: network-drivers
Installing addon: network-wireless
Installing addon: xorg
Installing addon: xorg-nouveau
Installing addon: locales
Installing addon: mplayer
Installing addon: musicplayer
/etc/applications/rc.register: line 24: can't create /usr/share/applications: Is a directorydone
Installing addon: pangodone
Installing addon: sambadone
Installing addon: smbclientdone
Installing addon: ssh
Creating ssh rsa key:
Creating ssh dss key:
Installing addon: text2skin-anthra-skinsdone
Installing addon: addonsdone
Installing addon: livedone
Installing addon: messagedone
Installing addon: setupdone
Installing addon: text2skindone
Installing addon: vdrfailed
Installing addon: xineliboutput
/etc/applications/rc.register: line 24: can't create /usr/share/applications: Is a directory
Installing addon: webserver
Installing addon: xinelib
Setting LANG:
Setting timezone:done
Load keymap: de-latin1done
Loading sound driver:done
Found hardware: "CMI8738-MC6" "CMedia PCI" "" "0x13f6" "0x0111"
Hardware is initialized using a generic method
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!

Starting xorg
Loading dvb driver
Loading usb dvb driver
Starting VDR
Starting musicplayer:
Starting acpi
Loading wireless network driver
Loading network driver
Connecting to network
Starting DHCP-client
[7632] Jan 01 20:58:49 Running in background

Starting sshd:
  Listen on IP:
Starting samba server:done
Setting up setup menu:done
Starting webserver:done
Setting up web setup menu:done
MLD 3 - T-Bred B Core Geode - 1GB - 1x 7134 DVB-S, 2x 7146 DVB-S (nicht im Einsatz)

Offline MarMic

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Angepasstes Hd Iso 23.07. Installing Vdr Failed
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2011, 23:09:57 »
und ein nicht a la carte iso funktioniert?

ich kann morgen vllt mal testen, spätestens jedoch MO. so wie ich claus aber kenne behebt er den fehler vorher :-)

greetz MarMic
SZVDR HD: Intel e5300@1,2ghz - Gigabyte GA-EP41-UD3L - 2GB ddr2 800 - Gainward G210 512mb - Silverstone LC16MR - DVBSky S952 - Astra 19,2 - MLD 5.4

WZVDR HD: Intel g1610@1,6ghz - Intel DH61BE - Scythe Big Shuriken 2 - 4GB ddr3 1333 - Asus GT610 1024mb - Chieftec Hi-Fi HM-02 - Tevii s480 - Astra 19,2 - MLD 5.4

Offline niesen

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Angepasstes Hd Iso 23.07. Installing Vdr Failed
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2011, 23:54:03 »
Ein Nicht-à-la-carte läuft, aber da sind ja keine xorg Treiber drin.
MLD 3 - T-Bred B Core Geode - 1GB - 1x 7134 DVB-S, 2x 7146 DVB-S (nicht im Einsatz)

Offline clausmuus

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    • ClausMuus.de
Angepasstes Hd Iso 23.07. Installing Vdr Failed
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2011, 12:59:46 »
ist gefixt.

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
MLD 6.5 - lirc yaUsbIR - OctopusNet - XFX GeForce 9300 mit Intel E3200 - 2GB RAM - 22TB HDD - Lian Li PC-C37B - Samsung LE40A559

Offline niesen

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Angepasstes Hd Iso 23.07. Installing Vdr Failed
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2011, 19:10:20 »
Jap, alles i.O., wenn ich die obigen addons integriere :)

Aber, nächstes Prblem: angepasstes iso von heute 26.07, hab xbmc dazu und xorg-nvidia statt xorg-nouveau

Code: [Select]

Copy initramfs to aufs:
Mounting System device /dev/hda:
Preparing aufs:
Fri Jan  4 18:23:42 UTC 2002
Setting up logging: done
Mounting all filesystems: done
Preparing read-only system directory: done
Turn on DMA for /dev/hda:done
Setting up netware: done
Importing addon: chromium-browserdone
Importing addon: fontsdone
Importing addon: installdone
Importing addon: alsadone
Importing addon: dvbdone
Importing addon: networkdone
Importing addon: network-driversdone
Importing addon: network-wirelessdone
Importing addon: xorgdone
Importing addon: xorg-nvidiadone
Importing addon: localesdone
Importing addon: mplayerdone
Importing addon: musicplayerdone
Importing addon: pangodone
Importing addon: pythondone
Importing addon: sambadone
Importing addon: smbclientdone
Importing addon: sshdone
Importing addon: text2skin-anthra-skinsdone
Importing addon: addonsdone
Importing addon: livedone
Importing addon: messagedone
Importing addon: setupdone
Importing addon: text2skindone
Importing addon: vdrdone
Importing addon: xineliboutputdone
Importing addon: webserverdone
Importing addon: wscandone
Importing addon: xbmcdone
Importing addon: xinelibdone
ldconfig: /usr/lib/mesa/libGL.so.1 is not a symlink
Installing addon: chromium-browser
/etc/applications/rc.register: line 24: can't create /usr/share/applications: Is a directorydone
Installing addon: fontsdone
Installing addon: installdone
Installing addon: alsadone
Installing addon: dvbdone
Installing addon: networkdone
Installing addon: network-driversdone
Installing addon: network-wirelessdone
Installing addon: xorgdone
Installing addon: xorg-nvidiadone
Installing addon: localesdone
Installing addon: mplayerdone
Installing addon: musicplayer
/etc/applications/rc.register: line 24: can't create /usr/share/applications: Is a directory
Installing addon: pango
Installing addon: python
Installing addon: samba
Installing addon: smbclient
Installing addon: ssh
Creating ssh rsa key:done
Creating ssh dss key:done
Installing addon: text2skin-anthra-skins
Installing addon: addons
Installing addon: live
Installing addon: message
Installing addon: setup
Installing addon: text2skin
Installing addon: vdr
Installing addon: xineliboutput
/etc/applications/rc.register: line 24: can't create /usr/share/applications: Is a directorydone
Installing addon: webserverdone
Installing addon: wscandone
Installing addon: xbmc
/etc/applications/rc.register: line 24: can't create /usr/share/applications: Is a directory
Installing addon: xinelib
Setting LANG:
Setting timezone:done
Load keymap: de-latin1done
Loading sound driver:done
Found hardware: "VIA8237" "Analog Devices AD1888" "AC97a:41445368" "0x1043" "0x810d"
Hardware is initialized using a generic method
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!
amixer: Invalid command!

Loading dvb driver
Starting xorgdone
vdr: /usr/lib/vdr/libvdr-live.so.1.7.18: undefined symbol: _ZNK10cRecording5TitleEcbi
Segmentation fault
VDR exits at Starting VDR
Fr Jan  4 19:24:34 CET 2002
Unloading dvb driverfailed
Loading dvb driver
Starting musicplayer:
Loading wireless network driver
Loading dvb driver
Loading network driver
Connecting to network
Starting DHCP-client
Starting samba server:

[7064] Jan 04 19:24:41 Running in background
Starting sshd:
  Listen on IP:
vdr: /usr/lib/vdr/libvdr-live.so.1.7.18: undefined symbol: _ZNK10cRecording5TitleEcbi
Setting up setup menu:done
Starting webserver:done
Setting up web setup menu:done
MLD 3 - T-Bred B Core Geode - 1GB - 1x 7134 DVB-S, 2x 7146 DVB-S (nicht im Einsatz)

Offline clausmuus

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    • ClausMuus.de
Angepasstes Hd Iso 23.07. Installing Vdr Failed
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2011, 19:34:35 »
Das mit dem live ist einfach. Das wird schon lange nicht mehr mitgebaut, weil das einfach nicht beim ersten make Durchlauf klappt.
Die "/etc/applications/rc.register: line 24: can't create /usr/share/applications: Is a directorydone" Fehler können nur kommen wenn noch eines der drei Addons nen altes ist.
Ich hab mal eben auf den Webserver geschaut. xbmc wurde nicht neu gebaut,... Das musst Du also weglassen.

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
MLD 6.5 - lirc yaUsbIR - OctopusNet - XFX GeForce 9300 mit Intel E3200 - 2GB RAM - 22TB HDD - Lian Li PC-C37B - Samsung LE40A559

Offline niesen

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Angepasstes Hd Iso 23.07. Installing Vdr Failed
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2011, 19:40:29 »
Jap, ohne xbmc bootet er durch, ich versuche grade über das OSD zu installieren. sysinit sagt unloading dvb failed, vermute mal es liegt an der creatix|medion 7134 bzw an dem treiber, werds mal mit der budget_ci probieren.
MLD 3 - T-Bred B Core Geode - 1GB - 1x 7134 DVB-S, 2x 7146 DVB-S (nicht im Einsatz)

Offline clausmuus

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    • ClausMuus.de
Angepasstes Hd Iso 23.07. Installing Vdr Failed
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2011, 19:44:40 »
Hab grad noch mal versucht xbmc zu bauen. Ist wieder hängen geblieben. Das schaue ich mir nen anderes mal genauer an...
Wegen dem dvb unload. Einige USB Treiber lassen sich jedenfalls nicht mehr endladen.
Dsa "failed" muss aber nicht's zu bedeuten haben. Einige Treiber geben immer nen Fehler zurück, auch wenn die erfolgreich entladen werden konnten.

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
MLD 6.5 - lirc yaUsbIR - OctopusNet - XFX GeForce 9300 mit Intel E3200 - 2GB RAM - 22TB HDD - Lian Li PC-C37B - Samsung LE40A559

Offline clausmuus

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    • ClausMuus.de
Angepasstes Hd Iso 23.07. Installing Vdr Failed
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2011, 19:48:24 »
So, hab die Ursache gefunden und behoben. xbmc sollte nun durchbauen,...

So, ist nun fertig und online!

« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 19:52:43 by clausmuus »
MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
MLD 6.5 - lirc yaUsbIR - OctopusNet - XFX GeForce 9300 mit Intel E3200 - 2GB RAM - 22TB HDD - Lian Li PC-C37B - Samsung LE40A559

Offline niesen

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Angepasstes Hd Iso 23.07. Installing Vdr Failed
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2011, 19:57:28 »
Ok, angepasstes iso vom 26.7. 20:15Uhr mit xbmc bootet durch. :)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 13:45:20 by niesen »
MLD 3 - T-Bred B Core Geode - 1GB - 1x 7134 DVB-S, 2x 7146 DVB-S (nicht im Einsatz)

[1] Archiv / MLD 3.x / Development / Angepasstes Hd Iso 23.07. Installing Vdr Failed

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