I have two other distribution OpenELEC and MCPC(russian mod OpenELEC version) - the work like this XBMC + XVDR for TV
Both work with VDR background.
I'm looking for some kind XBMC for media files.. and VDR (or other application) for TV - like in MLD.
Now i know XBMC work perfect, just want to find best solution vor TV.
That's why looking what other application can give me - stability, fast channel switch, simple interface.. etc.
I have dreambox too, its easy to work with it (my wife can work with it= then is easy)

check this forum I think this project is not dead there have and similar projects ..like openPLI PC..
http://linuxdvb.org.ru/wbb/index.php?page=...oard&boardID=45thanks for your attention.. I don't want someone to build it just want to know what you think about it