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Problem Compiling

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Hello all,
  I am having a problem with natty version for compiling here is the error i am getting

root@development:/usr/local/src/oner/MLD/branches/natty# make
Build ISOs:
  Iso: ff-sd:
   Use patch ../arm.patch
patching file arch/arm/mach-versatile/Kconfig
patching file arch/arm/mm/Kconfig
   Use patch ../aufs_cpup.patch
can't find file to patch at input line 4
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|diff -Nur aufs-3.0.orig/fs/aufs/opts.c aufs-3.0/fs/aufs/opts.c
|--- aufs-3.0.orig/fs/aufs/opts.c   2011-10-27 00:25:47.000000000 +0200
|+++ aufs-3.0/fs/aufs/opts.c   2011-10-27 12:00:10.077514722 +0200
File to patch:
Skip this patch? [y]
Skipping patch.
1 out of 1 hunk ignored
can't find file to patch at input line 22
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|diff -Nur aufs-3.0.orig/fs/aufs/opts.h aufs-3.0/fs/aufs/opts.h
|--- aufs-3.0.orig/fs/aufs/opts.h   2011-10-27 00:25:47.000000000 +0200
|+++ aufs-3.0/fs/aufs/opts.h   2011-10-27 12:02:19.303887540 +0200
File to patch:
Skip this patch? [y]
Skipping patch.
1 out of 1 hunk ignored
can't find file to patch at input line 40
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|diff -Nur aufs-3.0.orig/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c aufs-3.0/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c
|--- aufs-3.0.orig/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c   2011-10-27 00:25:47.000000000 +0200
|+++ aufs-3.0/fs/aufs/wbr_policy.c   2011-10-27 12:17:49.928189182 +0200
File to patch:
Skip this patch? [y]
Skipping patch.
2 out of 2 hunks ignored
make[5]: *** [patch] Error 1
make[4]: *** [src/linux-3.3.1] Error 2
make[3]: *** [_all] Error 2
make[2]: *** [../KERNEL/kernel.gz] Error 2
make[1]: *** [_all] Error 2

Can someone please help me

           Thanks Mondo

I am trying to compile the versions for x86 and i have followed the instructions and yet i get these errors?

that is strange?!?! why is it using the arm patch?

is the makefile.config the regular one?

greetz MarMic

Yes it is,
  and I do not know why it is using the arm patch!!! It was making me
crazy yesterday!! in fact

Makefile. Config


Thats whats in there

Then here is the Makefile

configfile := Makefile.config
SHELL := /bin/bash
deps := subversion cvs squashfs-tools gettext ipsvd bzip2 lsb-release

ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),deps)


   @ echo -n "$(deps) ";
   while read modul; do
      if [ -d $$modul ]; then
         test -n "$(verbose)" && echo -en "n$$modul: " >&2;
         deps=$$($(MAKE) -s -C $$modul deps);
         test -n "$$deps" && echo -n "$$deps ";
   done < modules_list;

ifeq ($(wildcard $(configfile)),)


all %:
   @$(MAKE) -s $(configfile)
   @$(MAKE) $*

include Makefile.svn
include Makefile.tools

   @$(MAKE) -s dep
   @echo ".SILENT:" >> $(configfile)


include $(configfile)

SHELL := /bin/bash

ifeq ($(findstring arm,$(shell uname -m)),)
# x86 systems
addon_lists ?="
ff-sd    = locales install dvb network webserver remote-autodetect vdr addons dvbsddevice setupn
ff-hd    = locales install dvb network webserver remote-autodetect vdr addons dvbhddevice setupn
standard = locales install dvb dvb-usb network webserver alsa remote-autodetect lib-x xorg xorg-autodetect vdr addons setup lib-xine xineliboutputn
server   = config.server locales install dvb network nfs-server webserver ssh lib-curl samba vdr addons setup dummydevice skincurses streamdev-server svdrposdn
client   = locales install network ntp-client nfs-client webserver alsa remote-autodetect lib-x xorg xorg-autodetect vdr addons setup lib-xine xineliboutput streamdev-client svdrpservice remoteosd remotetimersn
iptv     = locales install network ntp-client webserver alsa remote-autodetect lib-x xorg xorg-autodetect vdr addons setup lib-xine xineliboutput lib-av vlc iptvn
web      = locales install network webserver alsa lib-x xorg xorg-autodetect lib-pango fonts firefox flashpluginn
# arm systems
addon_lists ?= "
xorg          = config.rpi locales network ntp-client webserver ssh lib-x xorgn
server        = config.server locales dvb-usb network ntp-client webserver ssh nfs-server lib-curl samba vdr addons setup dummydevice skincurses vompserver streamdev-server svdrposdn
vomp-client   = config.rpi locales network ntp-client webserver ssh alsa lib-av vc fonts vompclientn
vomp          = config.rpi locales dvb-usb network ntp-client webserver ssh alsa vdr dummydevice vompserver lib-av vc fonts vompclientn
squeezeplayer = config.rpi locales network ntp-client webserver ssh alsa lib-x xorg squeezeserver squeezeplay perl lib-avn
#standard = config.rpi locales dvb-usb network webserver ssh alsa remote-autodetect lib-x xorg vdr addons setup lib-xine xineliboutputn
#client   = config.rpi locales network ntp-client nfs-client webserver ssh alsa remote-autodetect lib-x xorg vdr addons setup lib-xine xineliboutput streamdev-client svdrpservice remoteosd remotetimers epgsyncn
#xbmc-pvr = config.rpi locales dvb-usb network webserver ssh alsa remote-autodetect lib-x xorg vdr addons setup dummydevice skincurses vnsiserver lib-curl python xbmc.pvrn
#xbmc     = config.rpi locales dvb-usb network webserver ssh alsa remote-autodetect lib-x xorg lib-curl python xbmcn


activy   = devel-tools activy dvb.hg vdr setup em84xx-base em84xx network.small telnet samban

usbdvb   = softdevice-vidix network.wlann

isos: ISO
   echo "Build ISO$(if $(name), $(name),s):"
   svn status | grep "^M" || true
   @echo -e $(addon_lists) | while read addons; do
      if [ -n "$${addons%% *}" -a ( -z "$(name)$(i)" -o "$${addons%% *}" = "$(name)$(i)" ) ]; then
         addons_inactiv="`echo "$(addon_inactiv_list)" | grep "^$${addons%% *} "`";
         $(MAKE) -C ISO collection=$${addons%% *} addon_list="$${addons##*=}" addon_inactiv_list="$${addons_inactiv##*=}";

   $(MAKE) isos no_addon_build=1

   echo "Build all:"
   rm -f broken_addons.lst
   @while read modul; do
      if [ -e $$modul ]; then
         if [ ! -e $$modul/Makefile ]; then
            echo "Makefile missing in Addon: $$modul";
            $(MAKE) -C $$modul || { echo $$modul >> broken_addons.lst; test "$$modul" != "KERNEL" -a "$$modul" != "INITRAMFS" || exit 1; };
   done < modules_list
   $(MAKE) iso
   if [ -e broken_addons.lst ]; then
      echo -e "nThe following addons can't be compile";
      cat broken_addons.lst;
      rm broken_addons.lst;

   echo "Clean all:"
   @while read modul; do
      if [ -d $$modul ]; then
         echo "$$modul:";
         $(MAKE) -C $$modul clean;
   done < modules_list
   rm -r !_addons

   $(MAKE) -f ../Makefile.getfile clean_all

   @for d in *; do
      if [ -d "$$d/template" ]; then
         cd $$d;
         m=$$(svn status 2>/dev/null | grep -e "^M" -e "^A" -e "^D" -e "^? +template/" | grep -v ".po");
         if [ -n "$$m" ]; then
            echo "$$d";
            echo "$$m";

include Makefile.svn

   $(MAKE) checkout name=ISO


    I even tried ARCH=x86  and make and it is still giving me all kinds of weird problems it just will not compile
I downloaded it from the website i svn checked it out and the end result it wouldn't compile... and i do not
have an arm... Soemthing is weird... I don't know its on the stable build its on natty and oneiric I tried them
both... i was compiling them on an ubuntu 12.04 lts amd processor x2 class.

                                    Thanks for looking at this!!!!


please give me this infos (again):
- Ubuntu version are installed
- the output of the command 'shell uname -m'


Hey Claus,
   Just got home from work here you go

@development:~$ uname -m
@development:~$ uname -r
@development:~$ uname -a
Linux development 3.5.0-27-generic #46~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 26 19:33:56 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

So i followed the README to a t and it just would not compile it kept giving me errors it wouldn't make the iso's
and it when i just went into the kernel section and tried to make it  that was a no go uClibc not found all kinds of
stuff i checked it out on my machine it downloaded the sources and when i went to compile it just gave me a resounding
NO... heh... I am kinda at a loss because when i do the same for 3.0.2 precise it compiles no problems and works without
an issue as i downloaded and checked out and updated the sources on it and recompiled it with no issues whatsoever...

   So i am at a standstill the reason being me wanting to compile the sources was because i wanted to use stable
platforms as alot of people love this little package you have here but they are all on the developers version so needless
to say they wanted stable but i cannot get it to compile.... Do you have any ideas?

                                                Thank you

Oh and Claus By the way.. LOVE YOUR SOFTWARE.... Big Fan! Just wanted to throw that in ;)


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