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Problem Compiling

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   I rechecked everything out did an svn up did a make update_all then i went to the Makefile.config
I inserted this

ARCH=x86 and it built to a point here is what happened

patching file drivers/video/vesafb.c
patching file include/linux/console_struct.h
patching file include/linux/fb.h
# configuration written to .config
    Build Kernel...
arch/x86/kernel/apm_32.c:362:2: warning: #warning deprecated CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE will be deleted in 2012 [-Wcpp]
In file included from /usr/local/src/oner/MLD/branches/oneiric/KERNEL/src/linux-3.3.1/arch/x86/include/asm/uaccess.h:573:0,
                 from include/drm/drmP.h:64,
                 from drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon_state.c:30:
In function


it's important that you use the correct Ubuntu version to the MLD repository you check out. So for the MLD-3.0.2 you must use a Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) and for the MLD-3.0.1 it must be a Ubuntu 11.04 (oneiric). So it's important that you check out the right MLD branch.
The MLD-3.0.0 (natty) branch maybe not compile, because some of the needed external sources maybe to new. And the MLD-3.0.1 hast the problem, that most of the VDR Plugins can't be compile any more, because the Plugin sources don't support the VDR version 1.7.31 any more. So, at the moment is only the MLD-3.0.2 compile able without problems and for that you must use a Ubuntu 12.04.

The additional Option ARCH=x86 is only in the natty branch necessary, since this branch use also some newer Addon settings that are not configured in the natty branch. I think it's only possible to compile the natty branch if you checkout with a date filter that makes it sure, that you do not check out versions that are newer than April 2011.


Hello Claus,
   Good Afternoon!! Ok now i understand.... Allright See i checkout Natty and Onereic on Precise 12.04
also uclibc for the file system that is the part that is not compiling that is why i am getting the error
the kernel headers are wrong.... Ok Now i understand.... I can still compile some programs against
vdr 3.0.1 (Special Considerations) if you know what i mean and read between the lines which is
a good thing... However i see what you are saying and now i understand what is going on.... Thank you
for your help i appreciate it very much and appreciate the time you took in diagnosing the problems...

                        Thanks so Much


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