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Offline clausmuus

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VDR Update
« on: August 07, 2014, 12:08:09 »

mit dem heutigen VDR und mld-remote Update gibt es ein paar Änderungen in der Fernbedienungs Tasten Zuordnung. Als Folge funktioniert u.A. die "Zurück" Taste nicht mehr. Dies lässt sich aber leicht wieder korrigieren. Geht dafür in's Webif und ruft den Punkt "System - Setup – TV – VDR" auf und wählt dort unter "Reset remote" die Option "LIRC" aus. Danach auf "Save" und anschließend auf "Restart VDR" Klicken und schon geht's wieder.

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
MLD 6.5 - lirc yaUsbIR - OctopusNet - XFX GeForce 9300 mit Intel E3200 - 2GB RAM - 22TB HDD - Lian Li PC-C37B - Samsung LE40A559

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VDR Update
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2014, 17:38:04 »
Hi Claus,

mir werden 2 "Not" Pakete zum Update angeboten. Soll das so sein :)

MLD 5.4-testing Aufnahmeserver, SATIP, virtuell auf ESXI
MLD 5.4-testing RPI2 Client - SATIP x2
DD Octopus NET V2 S2 Max

Offline clausmuus

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VDR Update
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2014, 01:07:32 »
Wird das im Webif angezeigt? Falls ja, kannst Du mal Bitte nen Screenshot posten?

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
MLD 6.5 - lirc yaUsbIR - OctopusNet - XFX GeForce 9300 mit Intel E3200 - 2GB RAM - 22TB HDD - Lian Li PC-C37B - Samsung LE40A559

Offline MegaX

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VDR Update
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2014, 01:28:45 »
Am besten wäre es wenn du per Konsle mal folgende Befehle ausführst:
Code: [Select]
opkg update
opkg list-upgradable
und das Ergebnis des letzten Befehls hier postest, dann sieht man um welche Pakete es sich handelt.
Ich bin mir aber schon fast sicher das es sich bei einem der Pakete um VDR handelt.
Gruß MegaX

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Offline MegaX

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VDR Update
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2014, 14:05:23 »
Hab jetzt gerade mal am Clienten geguckt was er mir anzeigt:
Code: [Select]
MLD-WZ> opkg list-upgradable | grep Not
Not selecting vdr as installing it would break existing dependencies.

Das scheint also immernoch der Fehler von opkg zu sein, oder irre ich mich?
Gruß MegaX

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Offline MegaX

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VDR Update
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2014, 14:28:05 »
Das Update wird ohne Fehler durchgeführt nur das der VDR gestartet wird bevor alle Plugins konfiguriert sind.

Liste der verfügbaren Updates:
Code: [Select]
MLD-WZ> opkg list-upgradable
Not selecting vdr as installing it would break existing dependencies.
eventlircd - 2014.08.03-17_3.15.6.74 - 2014.08.07-18_3.15.6.74
init - 0-45 - 0-46
vdr-plugin-remotetimers - 1.0.1-5_2.1.6.72 - 1.0.1-5_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-epg2vdr - 2014.06.12-5_2.1.6.72 - 2014.06.12-5_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-svdrpservice - 1.0.0-5_2.1.6.72 - 1.0.0-5_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-fritzbox - 1.5.3-2_2.1.6.72 - 1.5.3-2_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-skinnopacity - 2014.05.25-15_2.1.6.72 - 2014.05.25-15_2.1.6.103
lirc - 2014.05.09-39_3.15.6.74 - 2014.05.09-40_3.15.6.74
vdr-plugin-streamdev-client - 2014.05.18-15_2.1.6.72 - 2014.05.18-15_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-remoteosd - 1.0.0-4_2.1.6.72 - 1.0.0-4_2.1.6.103
udev - 204-27 - 204-28
kernel - -
vdr-plugin-setup - 0.3.1-18_2.1.6.72 - 0.3.1-18_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-softhddevice - 2014.07.14-24_2.1.6.72 - 2014.07.14-24_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-opkg - 0.1.0-18_2.1.6.72 - 0.1.0-18_2.1.6.103
mld-remote - 0-23 - 0-24

Ausgabe von opkg upgrade:
Code: [Select]
MLD-WZ> opkg update
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/Packages.gz.
Inflating http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/Packages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/opkg/lists/base.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/libs/Packages.gz.
Inflating http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/libs/Packages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/opkg/lists/libs.
MLD-WZ> opkg upgrade
Not selecting vdr as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting vdr as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Assuming locally installed package vdr ( is up to date.
Upgrading mld-remote from 0-23 to 0-24 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/mld-remote_0-24.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-opkg from 0.1.0-18_2.1.6.72 to 0.1.0-18_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-opkg_0.1.0-18_2.1.6.103.opk.
Not selecting vdr as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting vdr as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Upgrading vdr from to on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr_2.1.6.103-104.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-softhddevice from 2014.07.14-24_2.1.6.72 to 2014.07.14-24_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-softhddevice_2014.07.14-24_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-setup from 0.3.1-18_2.1.6.72 to 0.3.1-18_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-setup_0.3.1-18_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading kernel from to on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/kernel_3.15.6.74-83.opk.
Upgrading udev from 204-27 to 204-28 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/udev_204-28.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-remoteosd from 1.0.0-4_2.1.6.72 to 1.0.0-4_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-remoteosd_1.0.0-4_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-streamdev-client from 2014.05.18-15_2.1.6.72 to 2014.05.18-15_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-streamdev-client_2014.05.18-15_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading lirc from 2014.05.09-39_3.15.6.74 to 2014.05.09-40_3.15.6.74 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/lirc_2014.05.09-40_3.15.6.74.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-skinnopacity from 2014.05.25-15_2.1.6.72 to 2014.05.25-15_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-skinnopacity_2014.05.25-15_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-fritzbox from 1.5.3-2_2.1.6.72 to 1.5.3-2_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-fritzbox_1.5.3-2_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-svdrpservice from 1.0.0-5_2.1.6.72 to 1.0.0-5_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-svdrpservice_1.0.0-5_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-epg2vdr from 2014.06.12-5_2.1.6.72 to 2014.06.12-5_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-epg2vdr_2014.06.12-5_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-remotetimers from 1.0.1-5_2.1.6.72 to 1.0.1-5_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-remotetimers_1.0.1-5_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading init from 0-45 to 0-46 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/init_0-46.opk.
Upgrading eventlircd from 2014.08.03-17_3.15.6.74 to 2014.08.07-18_3.15.6.74 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/eventlircd_2014.08.07-18_3.15.6.74.opk.
Configuring kernel.
Configuring eventlircd.
Starting eventlircd                                                                                                                                                                                 done
Configuring init.
Configuring vdr.
Starting VDR                                                                                                                                                                                        done
Configuring vdr-plugin-svdrpservice.
Configuring vdr-plugin-remotetimers.
Configuring vdr-plugin-epg2vdr.
Configuring vdr-plugin-fritzbox.
Configuring vdr-plugin-skinnopacity.
Configuring lirc.
Configuring vdr-plugin-streamdev-client.
Get channellist from server:                                                                                                                                                                        done
Configuring vdr-plugin-remoteosd.
Configuring udev.
Configuring vdr-plugin-setup.
Configuring vdr-plugin-softhddevice.
Configuring vdr-plugin-opkg.
Configuring mld-remote.
Collected errors:
 * resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /etc/vdr/keymacros.conf is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/vdr/keymacros.conf-opkg.
 * resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /etc/vdr/menu.xml is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/vdr/menu.xml-opkg.
 * resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /etc/vdr/setup.conf is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/vdr/setup.conf-opkg.
 * resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /etc/vdr/plugins/setup/setup.xml is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/vdr/plugins/setup/setup.xml-opkg.
 * resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /etc/vdr/plugins/skinnopacity/themeconfigs/theme-darkredNG.conf is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/vdr/plugins/skinnopacity/themeconfigs/theme-darkredNG.conf-opkg.

Liste der installierten Pakete (ohne libs):
Code: [Select]
MLD-WZ> opkg list-installed | grep -v lib
alsa -
autofs - 5.0.7-1
avahi - 0.6.31-5
avahi-linker - 0.0.1-13
base - 0-55
bash - 4.3.11-1
btrfs - 3.12-49
busybox - 1.22.1-26
channellogos - 20140724-8
dbus - 1.4.18-6
dvb - 2014.08.03-54_3.15.6.74
eventlircd - 2014.08.07-18_3.15.6.74
firefox - 31.0-4
font-config - 0-4
font-dejavu - 0-6
gsettings - 0-0
init - 0-46
irkeytable - 1.0.1-5
kernel -
ldconfig - 2.19-9
lirc - 2014.05.09-40_3.15.6.74
locales - 0-8
mld-remote - 0-24
network - 0-32_3.15.6.74
nfs-common - (null)
nfs-server - 0-7_3.15.6.74
nss-mdns - 0.10-1
opkg - 2014.08.03-56
psplash - 2009.05.28-17
python - 2.7-10
python-avahi - 2.7-4
python-gobject-2 - 2.28.6-1
ssh - 0-9
tools - 0-0
udev - 204-28
vdpauinfo - 0.0.2-0
vdr -
vdr-plugin-epg2vdr - 2014.06.12-5_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-fritzbox - 1.5.3-2_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-opkg - 0.1.0-18_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-remoteosd - 1.0.0-4_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-remotetimers - 1.0.1-5_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-setup - 0.3.1-18_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-skinnopacity - 2014.05.25-15_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-softhddevice - 2014.07.14-24_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-streamdev-client - 2014.05.18-15_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-svdrpservice - 1.0.0-5_2.1.6.103
wakeup - 1.1-10_3.15.6.74
webserver - 0-142
xfs - 0-5
xorg - 1.15.1-34_3.15.6.74
xorg-autodetect - 1.15.1-23_3.15.6.74
xorg-nvidia - 340.24-16_3.15.6.74

Es ist also ratsam nach dem Update die MLD neu zu starten.
Gruß MegaX

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VDR Update
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2014, 16:43:46 »
Hi zusammen,

opkg update und list-upgradable bringt:

Code: [Select]
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/Packages.gz.
Inflating http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/Packages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/opkg/lists/base.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/libs/Packages.gz.
Inflating http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/libs/Packages.gz.
Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/opkg/lists/libs.
080-VDR-Norbert> opkg list-upgradable
Not selecting vdr as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
eventlircd - 2014.08.03-17_3.15.6.74 - 2014.08.07-18_3.15.6.74
vdr-plugin-lcdproc - 2013.03.28-0_2.1.6.72 - 2013.03.28-0_2.1.6.103
init - 0-45 - 0-46
vdr-plugin-osdteletext - 2014.01.12-2_2.1.6.72 - 2014.01.12-2_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-text2skin - 2013.05.04-2_2.1.6.72 - 2013.05.04-2_2.1.6.103
lirc - 2014.05.09-39_3.15.6.74 - 2014.05.09-40_3.15.6.74
vdr-plugin-live - 2013.05.04-3_2.1.6.72 - 2013.05.04-3_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-femon - 2.1.1-5_2.1.6.72 - 2.1.1-5_2.1.6.103
udev - 204-27 - 204-28
vdr-plugin-epgsearch - 2014.03.16-6_2.1.6.72 - 2014.03.16-6_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-setup - 0.3.1-18_2.1.6.72 - 0.3.1-18_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-opkg - 0.1.0-18_2.1.6.72 - 0.1.0-18_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-dvbhddevice - 2.1.6-10_2.1.6.72 - 2.1.6-10_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-extrecmenu - 2014.08.05-4_2.1.6.72 - 2014.08.05-4_2.1.6.103
mld-remote - 0-23 - 0-24

Screenshot im Anhang.

MLD 5.4-testing Aufnahmeserver, SATIP, virtuell auf ESXI
MLD 5.4-testing RPI2 Client - SATIP x2
DD Octopus NET V2 S2 Max

Offline MegaX

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VDR Update
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2014, 19:53:27 »

ich hab mir das schon gedacht das das 2te Paket der kernel sein wird.

Das ganze liegt an einem Bug in opkg wo der Entwickler aber schon dran ist den Fehler zu finden.

WICHTIG!!! Sichere deine Configs auf jeden Fall bevor du ein opkg upgrade machst.

Nun hast du 2 Möglichkeiten:

- Du versuchst es mit nem opkg upgrade (bei manchen hat es geklappt, bei anderen nicht)
- Du installierst die MLD schnell neu und kopierst dann deine Configs wieder ins System.
Gruß MegaX

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VDR Update
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2014, 19:59:13 »
Ich muss ja nicht unbedingt updaten, MegaX

wird sich das Problem zukünftig erledigen? Dann warte ich so lange, bis es behoben ist. Ich hatte es bei einer früheren Installation schon einmal und in der Tat alles versemmelt :)

Die Confs habe ich insgesamt 3fach gesichert. Und mit ISO-Boot aus Grub heraus, ist ein Neuinstall in wenigen Minuten erledigt, hehe ;)

MLD 5.4-testing Aufnahmeserver, SATIP, virtuell auf ESXI
MLD 5.4-testing RPI2 Client - SATIP x2
DD Octopus NET V2 S2 Max

Offline clausmuus

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VDR Update
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2014, 22:06:59 »

ich hab die Anzeige im Webif überarbeitet. Ob das erfolgreich war, kann ich leider nicht selber testen.
Nach einem Upgrade des webserver Paketes sollte der Kernel und der VDR in der Upgrade Liste mit aufgelistet sein (Anstelle der "Not" Auswahl) und diese beiden Pakete sollen deaktiviert sein, also nicht auswählbar.

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
MLD 6.5 - lirc yaUsbIR - OctopusNet - XFX GeForce 9300 mit Intel E3200 - 2GB RAM - 22TB HDD - Lian Li PC-C37B - Samsung LE40A559

Offline skippy

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VDR Update
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2014, 10:35:05 »
Hallo zusammen,

das Problem ist noch nicht behoben. Immerhin erscheint jetzt statt dem NOT der Kernel und der VDR. Alle 3 Pakete sind auswählbar, lassen sich jedoch nicht installieren.

Hier meine Anzeige nach Aktualisierung des webservers und opkg:
Code: [Select]
MLD-WoZi> opkg list-upgradable
Not selecting vdr as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
locales - 0-7 - 0-8
xorg - 1.15.1-30_3.14.2.59 - 1.15.1-34_3.15.6.74
vdr-plugin-control - 0.0.2a-3_2.1.6.72 - 0.0.2a-3_2.1.6.103
base - 0-54 - 0-55
vdr-plugin-tvscraper - 2014.05.18-0_2.1.6.72 - 2014.05.18-0_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-dfatmo - 2014.05.20-6_2.1.6.72 - 2014.05.20-6_2.1.6.103
eventlircd - 2014.06.08-14_3.14.2.59 - 2014.08.07-18_3.15.6.74
init - 0-45 - 0-46
vdr-plugin-remotetimers - 1.0.1-5_2.1.6.72 - 1.0.1-5_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-epg2vdr - 2014.06.12-5_2.1.6.72 - 2014.06.12-5_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-svdrpservice - 1.0.0-5_2.1.6.72 - 1.0.0-5_2.1.6.103
graphlcd-base - 2014.05.10-8_3.14.2.59 - 2014.05.10-13_3.15.6.74
vdr-plugin-graphlcd - 2013.01.27-11_2.1.6.72 - 2013.01.27-11_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-skinnopacity - 2014.05.25-15_2.1.6.72 - 2014.05.25-15_2.1.6.103
wakeup - 1.1-8_3.14.2.59 - 1.1-10_3.15.6.74
xorg-nvidia - 331.79-9_3.14.2.59 - 340.24-16_3.15.6.74
vdr-plugin-streamdev-client - 2014.05.18-15_2.1.6.72 - 2014.05.18-15_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-remoteosd - 1.0.0-4_2.1.6.72 - 1.0.0-4_2.1.6.103
network - 0-27_3.14.2.59 - 0-32_3.15.6.74
nfs-server - 0-7_3.14.2.59 - 0-7_3.15.6.74
vdr-plugin-tvguide - 2014.05.11-3_2.1.6.72 - 2014.05.11-3_2.1.6.103
udev - 204-27 - 204-28
alsa - -
vdr-plugin-epgsearch - 2014.03.16-6_2.1.6.72 - 2014.03.16-6_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-setup - 0.3.1-18_2.1.6.72 - 0.3.1-18_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-softhddevice - 2014.07.14-24_2.1.6.72 - 2014.07.14-24_2.1.6.103
vdr-plugin-opkg - 0.1.0-18_2.1.6.72 - 0.1.0-18_2.1.6.103
usb - 0-1_3.14.2.59 - 0-1_3.15.6.74
mld-remote - 0-23 - 0-25

Gibt es noch eine Chance oder ist eine Neuinstallation angesagt?

Viele Grüße skippy
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Offline clausmuus

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VDR Update
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2014, 14:50:37 »

magst Du das mit dem webserver Upgrade nochmal testen. Nun sollte auch der Kernel nur einmal aufgelistet werden.

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
MLD 6.5 - lirc yaUsbIR - OctopusNet - XFX GeForce 9300 mit Intel E3200 - 2GB RAM - 22TB HDD - Lian Li PC-C37B - Samsung LE40A559

Offline skippy

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VDR Update
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2014, 16:01:00 »
Gerne  :)

Jetzt gibt es nur noch 1x Kernel und den VDR. Beide können nicht angewählt werden. Ein Update über alle Pakete liefert:
Code: [Select]
Upgrade all packages
Not selecting vdr as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting vdr as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Assuming locally installed package vdr ( is up to date.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Assuming locally installed package kernel ( is up to date.
Upgrading mld-remote from 0-23 to 0-25 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/mld-remote_0-25.opk.
Upgrading usb from 0-1_3.14.2.59 to 0-1_3.15.6.74 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/usb_0-1_3.15.6.74.opk.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-opkg from 0.1.0-18_2.1.6.72 to 0.1.0-18_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-opkg_0.1.0-18_2.1.6.103.opk.
Not selecting vdr as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting vdr as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Upgrading vdr from to on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr_2.1.6.103-104.opk.
Removing obsolete file /usr/share/doc/vdr/settings.
Removing obsolete file /usr/share/doc/vdr/vdr/README.
Removing obsolete file /usr/share/doc/vdr/readme.
Removing obsolete file /usr/share/doc/vdr/vdr/README.i18n.
Removing obsolete file /usr/share/doc/vdr/vdr/README.jumpplay.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-softhddevice from 2014.07.14-24_2.1.6.72 to 2014.07.14-24_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-softhddevice_2014.07.14-24_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-setup from 0.3.1-18_2.1.6.72 to 0.3.1-18_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-setup_0.3.1-18_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-epgsearch from 2014.03.16-6_2.1.6.72 to 2014.03.16-6_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-epgsearch_2014.03.16-6_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading alsa from to on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/alsa_1.0.27.2-13_3.15.6.74.opk.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Upgrading udev from 204-27 to 204-28 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/udev_204-28.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-tvguide from 2014.05.11-3_2.1.6.72 to 2014.05.11-3_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-tvguide_2014.05.11-3_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading nfs-server from 0-7_3.14.2.59 to 0-7_3.15.6.74 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/nfs-server_0-7_3.15.6.74.opk.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Upgrading network from 0-27_3.14.2.59 to 0-32_3.15.6.74 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/network_0-32_3.15.6.74.opk.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-remoteosd from 1.0.0-4_2.1.6.72 to 1.0.0-4_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-remoteosd_1.0.0-4_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-streamdev-client from 2014.05.18-15_2.1.6.72 to 2014.05.18-15_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-streamdev-client_2014.05.18-15_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading xorg-nvidia from 331.79-9_3.14.2.59 to 340.24-16_3.15.6.74 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/xorg-nvidia_340.24-16_3.15.6.74.opk.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Upgrading wakeup from 1.1-8_3.14.2.59 to 1.1-10_3.15.6.74 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/wakeup_1.1-10_3.15.6.74.opk.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-skinnopacity from 2014.05.25-15_2.1.6.72 to 2014.05.25-15_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-skinnopacity_2014.05.25-15_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-graphlcd from 2013.01.27-11_2.1.6.72 to 2013.01.27-11_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-graphlcd_2013.01.27-11_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading graphlcd-base from 2014.05.10-8_3.14.2.59 to 2014.05.10-13_3.15.6.74 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/graphlcd-base_2014.05.10-13_3.15.6.74.opk.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-svdrpservice from 1.0.0-5_2.1.6.72 to 1.0.0-5_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-svdrpservice_1.0.0-5_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-epg2vdr from 2014.06.12-5_2.1.6.72 to 2014.06.12-5_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-epg2vdr_2014.06.12-5_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-remotetimers from 1.0.1-5_2.1.6.72 to 1.0.1-5_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-remotetimers_1.0.1-5_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading init from 0-45 to 0-46 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/init_0-46.opk.
Upgrading eventlircd from 2014.06.08-14_3.14.2.59 to 2014.08.07-18_3.15.6.74 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/eventlircd_2014.08.07-18_3.15.6.74.opk.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-dfatmo from 2014.05.20-6_2.1.6.72 to 2014.05.20-6_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-dfatmo_2014.05.20-6_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-tvscraper from 2014.05.18-0_2.1.6.72 to 2014.05.18-0_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-tvscraper_2014.05.18-0_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading base from 0-54 to 0-55 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/base_0-55.opk.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-control from 0.0.2a-3_2.1.6.72 to 0.0.2a-3_2.1.6.103 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/vdr-plugin-control_0.0.2a-3_2.1.6.103.opk.
Upgrading xorg from 1.15.1-30_3.14.2.59 to 1.15.1-34_3.15.6.74 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/xorg_1.15.1-34_3.15.6.74.opk.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Not selecting kernel as installing it would break existing dependencies.
Upgrading locales from 0-7 to 0-8 on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-64/files/base/locales_0-8.opk.
Removing obsolete file /usr/share/doc/locales/readme.
Removing obsolete file /usr/share/doc/locales/settings.
Removing obsolete file /usr/share/doc/locales/handling.
Starting VDR
Configuring locales.
Configuring vdr.
Configuring vdr-plugin-graphlcd.
Configuring vdr-plugin-control.
Configuring base.
Configuring vdr-plugin-skinnopacity.
Configuring vdr-plugin-tvscraper.
Configuring vdr-plugin-dfatmo.
Configuring init.
Configuring vdr-plugin-svdrpservice.
Configuring vdr-plugin-remotetimers.
Configuring vdr-plugin-epg2vdr.
Configuring vdr-plugin-streamdev-client.
Configuring vdr-plugin-remoteosd.
Configuring vdr-plugin-tvguide.
Configuring udev.
Configuring vdr-plugin-epgsearch.
Configuring vdr-plugin-setup.
Configuring vdr-plugin-softhddevice.
Configuring vdr-plugin-opkg.
Configuring mld-remote.
Collected errors:
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for usb:
* kernel (>= * kernel (<= *
* resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /etc/rc.shutdown is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/rc.shutdown-opkg.
* resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /etc/vdr/setup.conf is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/vdr/setup.conf-opkg.
* resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /etc/vdr/plugins/setup/setup.xml is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/vdr/plugins/setup/setup.xml-opkg.
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for alsa:
* kernel (>= * kernel (<= *
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for nfs-server:
* kernel (>= * kernel (<= *
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for network:
* kernel (>= * kernel (<= *
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for xorg-nvidia:
* kernel (>= * kernel (<= *
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for wakeup:
* kernel (>= * kernel (<= *
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for graphlcd-base:
* kernel (>= * kernel (<= *
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for eventlircd:
* kernel (>= * kernel (<= *
* resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /etc/fstab is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/fstab-opkg.
* resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /etc/hosts is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/hosts-opkg.
* resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /etc/rc.config is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/rc.config-opkg.
* resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /usr/share/applications is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /usr/share/applications-opkg.
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for xorg:
* kernel (>= * kernel (<= *

Der VDR und die Plugins wurden installiert. Der Kernel und die davon abhängigen Pakete nicht.

Noch eine Idee?

Viele Grüße skippy
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Offline ikke

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VDR Update
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2014, 19:18:29 »

ich hab die Anzeige im Webif überarbeitet. Ob das erfolgreich war, kann ich leider nicht selber testen.
Nach einem Upgrade des webserver Paketes sollte der Kernel und der VDR in der Upgrade Liste mit aufgelistet sein (Anstelle der "Not" Auswahl) und diese beiden Pakete sollen deaktiviert sein, also nicht auswählbar.


Hi Claus,

wie Skippy sagte, die Anzeige ist nunmehr verändert und es erscheinen statt "Not" kernel bzw. vdr und beide sind nicht auswählbar. ABER ...

... vor dem Hintergrund der beim Update von Skippy berichteten Problematik wäre es vlt. sogar besser, es bei "Not" zu lassen. Das erkennt man sofort. Ich halte dann lieber inne und führe KEIN Update durch. Das kernel und VDR nicht auswählbar sind, ist im aktualisierten webserver auf den ersten Blick kaum ersichtlich ... graphisch gesehen. Da fiel das Not mehr ins Auge.

Oder man müsste alle Pakete vom Auswählen ausschliessen, die zu den Not-Packeten in Abhängigkeit stehen. Ob das so ohne Weiteres möglich ist, keine Ahnung :D.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 19:26:54 by ikke »
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Offline clausmuus

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VDR Update
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2014, 22:30:03 »
Das mit dem NOT bedeutet nicht, dass sich die Pakete nicht installieren lassen, sondern nur, dass sich diese nicht einzeln installieren lassen. Diese Pakete lassen sich also nur per "Upgrade all" installieren. Es soll also nur angezeigt werden, dass die bei nem "Upgrade all" mit aktualisiert werden. Nen erhöhtes Risiko sollte bei nem Upgrade All nicht bestehen.

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