In fact, the short jump is on the 1 and 3 key, you could test, you have got big jump in left and right, and short jump in 1 and 3.
We should invert that.
EDIT: "-o both" works.
omxplayer -k
Key bindings :
1 decrease speed
2 increase speed
< rewind
> fast forward
z show info
j previous audio stream
k next audio stream
i previous chapter
o next chapter
n previous subtitle stream
m next subtitle stream
s toggle subtitles
d decrease subtitle delay (- 250 ms)
f increase subtitle delay (+ 250 ms)
q exit omxplayer
p / space pause/resume
- decrease volume
+ / = increase volume
left arrow seek -30 seconds
right arrow seek +30 seconds
down arrow seek -600 seconds
up arrow seek +600 seconds
We should bind the < and > key in fact.
And perhaps we should put the sound lower on launch.
omxplayer -h
Usage: omxplayer [OPTIONS] [FILE]
Options :
-h / --help print this help
-v / --version print version info
-k / --keys print key bindings
-n / --aidx index audio stream index : e.g. 1
-o / --adev device audio out device : e.g. hdmi/local/both
-i / --info dump stream format and exit
-s / --stats pts and buffer stats
-p / --passthrough audio passthrough
-d / --deinterlace force deinterlacing
--nodeinterlace force no deinterlacing
-w / --hw hw audio decoding
-3 / --3d mode switch tv into 3d mode (e.g. SBS/TB)
-y / --hdmiclocksync adjust display refresh rate to match video (default)
-z / --nohdmiclocksync do not adjust display refresh rate to match video
-t / --sid index show subtitle with index
-r / --refresh adjust framerate/resolution to video
-g / --genlog generate log file
-l / --pos n start position (hh:mm:ss)
-b / --blank set background to black
--loop loop file. Ignored if file is not seekable, start position applied if given
--no-boost-on-downmix don't boost volume when downmixing
--vol n Set initial volume in millibels (default 0)
--amp n Set initial amplification in millibels (default 0)
--no-osd do not display status information on screen
--subtitles path external subtitles in UTF-8 srt format
--font path subtitle font
(default: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf)
--italic-font path (default: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansOblique.ttf)
--font-size size font size as thousandths of screen height
(default: 55)
--align left/center subtitle alignment (default: left)
--no-ghost-box no semitransparent boxes behind subtitles
--lines n number of lines to accommodate in the subtitle buffer
(default: 3)
--win "x1 y1 x2 y2" Set position of video window
--audio_fifo n Size of audio output fifo in seconds
--video_fifo n Size of video output fifo in MB
--audio_queue n Size of audio input queue in MB
--video_queue n Size of video input queue in MB
--threshold n Amount of buffered data required to come out of buffering in seconds
--orientation n Set orientation of video (0, 90, 180 or 270)
--fps n Set fps of video where timestamps are not present
--live Set for live tv or vod type stream
--layout Set output speaker layout (e.g. 5.1)
--dbus_name name Set D-Bus bus name
(default: org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.omxplayer)
--key-config <file> Uses key bindings specified in <file> instead of the default
--layer n Set the video render layer number (higher numbers are on top)
EDIT: i found a way for the usb key:
eject /dev/sda ==> the key turn off
hub-ctrl -h 0 -P 3 -p 0 ==> It turn off power of the key
hub-ctrl -h 0 -P 3 -p 1 ==> The key turn on.
In fact i think that we should unmount before.
But it's near to work.

here is the command i have to put in /etc.init.d/rc.suspend:
When going to suspens:
umount /mnt/data
umount /var/cache
sleep 2
eject /dev/sda
sleep 1
hub-ctrl -h 0 -P 3 -p 0
When i wake up:
hub-ctrl -h 0 -P 3 -p 1
sleep 2
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/data
mount /dev/sda1 /var/cache
And it works!