Archiv > Raspberry PI

Some questions on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)

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I forgot to explain a little problem. :D

On the settings from the MLD (not the web) we could configure the wifi access.
But the integrated keyboard does not permit to select all the caracters, there is no !, no / etc. So i could not inter my wpa key. :D
I have to connect my pi to lan, configure it by lan, then reboot and ok wifi is connected. :)

I'm not sure, but does you do not can get the / bei pressing the 0 (Zero) multiple times?


I do not test. I do not know that was possible?
When i am on the wifi panel, i do right key to go to right, and up (or down) to chose the caracter i want.
I do not know that i could press 0?

You can use all number keys to enter a text, like on a mobile phone do, by pressing the key multiple times.


Ok it's good to learn it. :)
It's T9 so.  :P

An other question, is there any pluggin to scan DVB channels? I know that there is one but it'seems to be german only.

The only way i found was to scan with w_scan. But you could admit that it's not user frendly. :D *
(not a problem me but could be for some)

Thank's a lot for all your fast answer.


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