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In first sorry to disturb you with english, but i do not speak german and do not understand it.
So you could imagine how it was complicated to land here. :D
So thank's to take the time to read and answer me in english. :)

So here is where i am.
MLD is installed, everything works.
(so even if i do not speak german, i succed this point)

Live TNT works, my channels.conf is ok.
I use a DVB-T Tunner to read French Channel.

So i have got 3 point that does not works:
1) I have got no sound on HD channel. I could not choose any audio for this channels. I do not know why. It's ok when i use this channel.conf on openelec + xvdr (vdr backend but xbmc frontend)

2) How do you stop playing a channel on idle? Is there any solution to stop continue playing a channel? The goald is to do nothing when there is no user. Because i doupt that the TNT Tunner will like to turn 24/24 in such a way. ;) (and it cost some watt to do it continualy). is there a way to map a keyboard  key to stop the graphic interface or put the pi in slip, or stop reading TNT channel?

3) It's not a problem as long as i use a wifi access, but i do not succed to get time from channel. If there is no access to internet, the pi could not retrieve the time from the DVB-T tuner.

Thank's a lot for your answer. :)
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 11:55:49 by Linus »

Online clausmuus

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Some question on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2014, 11:11:02 »

Welcome on board!

You are right. It's necessary to make the installation more easy for no German speakers ;)

About your questions:
1) I don't know about such a problem. Does you have try the audio Settings in the OSD at "System / VDR Setup / Plugins / rpihddevice"? May be it's possible to do some changes there.
2) You can install the suspend package. Than will stop the vdr until the "power off" state and restart it, if it is needed (e.g. on timers or power on or hit a key). There will come better solutions in future, but for now, it should be OK.
3) I'm not sure if I understand your question right. So if you want to have a update of the time by DVB, you must setup the channel that should be used in the vdr setup at "System / VDR Setup / ..."

« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 12:03:43 by clausmuus »
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Some question on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2014, 11:46:56 »
Hi! Thank's a lot! :)

So, yes it would be great if you include English in a lot of things. :D (the install process, the forum and the wiki :D )
But if fact that did not lock me. :)
If everything work's, and if you need help, i could translate it into french from english. (but not from german. :D )

1) I have tested, it change nothing. In fact it works for mpeg2 sd channel, but not for HD. Vdr seems to not see the audio part.
On the osd when i try to change the audio, it says that there is none

2) I have tried to install it from the web browser (package) but it could not, it lack some dependency.
So i could not install it. How do you do it? From the ssh with opkg install suspend? :)
It will work on the pi even if it does not have a time module?

3) The pi does not have time module. So when you turn it off, it lost the time and roll back to the default time 1/01/1970 1h00.
So to get the real time, you could get if from the internet but you need an internet access.
I have found that normally, vdr could get the time from a channel, to set the system time (SetSystemTIme and TimeSource, and TimeTransponder), i have set it normally as it should be, but nothing happen, vdr does not set the time.
It's not a real problem for the moment (has i got an internet access or i could buy a time module for pi) but if i could solve it, it would be great. :)

Thank you so much for your answer. Vdr and MLDHD is the only solution that bring the pi into a reliable TNT Tuner usable by everybody whith no bug. :)
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 11:56:45 by Linus »

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Some questions on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2014, 12:23:05 »
Oh no, I don't want to translate the whole Webpage to englisch (maybe an other MLD user like do so (maybe only important parts), technically it's no problem). What I would say is, that I would make it easier to select the language for the install Images. It's already possible (to switch to English), but not easy enough to find.

1) Some TV's has problems with passthrough of some audio codecs. If you use this, may be it helps, if you disable it. Also it's possible, that the rpi Audio driver has problems with some audio codecs. In this kind, it will maybe help to enable passthrough ;) Cam you tell me, with witch HD channel do you have this problem? Dou you have it also with German HD channels?

2) It's a bit ago, that I use it last time. So I will try to install it again and will see, what kind of problem exists. An installation by webif should be OK. And yes, it will also work without any additionally hardware, since it do not do a real suspend, but only stop some processes and reduce the needed power.

3) It should be no problem to get the time by the DVB. I will check why it don't work at the moment. Also the system should not fall back to 1/01/1970 but to the time the RPI was powerd of last time. I will also check this.

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Some questions on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2014, 13:25:19 »
Translating is a big part!

I was saying that, i could try to translate into french the part that has been translated to english in some application. ;)
It would be good for non english user. ;)
But it's not the important point for the moment

1) It's not a tv problem, has i said, VDR not found the sound part of the channels (the player), it's not that it does not read sound, i could not choose the sound for this channels, when i put blue button that correspond to audio (if it's blue :D) it's said that there is no audio part.
I have tried all the possibility passthrough (but it's not usable because i use a computer screen in HDMI so it could not decode sound ;) ), i have tested to send the sound to hdmi or to put it to the analog chipset. It works for the SD French channel (in hdmi and analog), but not for the HD french channel, all the HD french channel not only one or from one transcoder.
As i said, in fact, it's like it does not found any sound or sound that it could decode. Perhaps it could be related in some codec that is not include in the OS? It's MPEG4 and AC3+  (if i am not wrong) for the HD channels.

2) Ok it could be the solution in fact. I will tsend you the error that hapen when i try to install it. It's a lib that it could not found i remember.

3)  If you sold the problem of time, it would be good. :) In fact a Time module cost only 8£ or something like that so if not i have got twice solution. :)

In fact, thanks a lot for you'r fast support and answer.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 13:54:03 by Linus »

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Some questions on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2014, 15:07:12 »
I forgot to explain a little problem. :D

On the settings from the MLD (not the web) we could configure the wifi access.
But the integrated keyboard does not permit to select all the caracters, there is no !, no / etc. So i could not inter my wpa key. :D
I have to connect my pi to lan, configure it by lan, then reboot and ok wifi is connected. :)

Online clausmuus

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Some questions on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2014, 15:12:52 »
I'm not sure, but does you do not can get the / bei pressing the 0 (Zero) multiple times?

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
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Some questions on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2014, 15:19:25 »
I do not test. I do not know that was possible?
When i am on the wifi panel, i do right key to go to right, and up (or down) to chose the caracter i want.
I do not know that i could press 0?

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Some questions on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2014, 15:46:31 »
You can use all number keys to enter a text, like on a mobile phone do, by pressing the key multiple times.

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
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Some questions on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2014, 16:34:52 »
Ok it's good to learn it. :)
It's T9 so.  :P

An other question, is there any pluggin to scan DVB channels? I know that there is one but it'seems to be german only.

The only way i found was to scan with w_scan. But you could admit that it's not user frendly. :D *
(not a problem me but could be for some)

Thank's a lot for all your fast answer.

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Some questions on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2014, 17:17:24 »
You can use the webif to scan for channels (Setup / TV / Scan-Channellist).
And than there is also a VDR Plugin  named wirbelscan.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 17:19:00 by clausmuus »
MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
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Some questions on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2014, 17:20:47 »
wirbelscan was what i was thinking about, but there is only "german", i don t know if it is important or not.
I wil test to see.

In setting i have found that, i do not know if work or not, i will test it to see. :)

Thank's. ;)

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Some questions on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2014, 20:40:58 »
I have found what was the "problem" of no sound on HD channels...

Has i said in France, in HD channel it's AC3+.

I was reading the web site of vdr, then i read that in the change log:
The option "Setup/DVB/Use Dolby Digital" now only controls whether Dolby Digital tracks appear in the "Audio" menu. Dolby Digital is always recorded. This obsoletes the DOLBYINREC patch.
or i remember that i disable one option in vdr has i do not have any dolby...
I enable it, restart vdr and Tadaaa, i have got the sound. :)

So one problem less.  ;D in fact a user problem.... :D

For the second, the "suspend program", here is the result when i try to install it:
Install suspend
Create a snapshot of '/mnt/root/@root' in '/mnt/root/2014-11-13 20:40'
Collected errors:
* satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for suspend:
*    libcec *

Installing suspend (0-18) on root.

Here is the problem. :)

EDIT: i have installed libcec from the command line by ssh. And no problem to install it.
MLD> opkg update
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-rpi/files/base/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'base'.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-rpi/files/libs/Packages.gz.
Updated source 'libs'.
MLD> opkg install libcec
Create a snapshot of '/mnt/root/@root' in '/mnt/root/2014-11-13 21:10'
Installing libcec1 (1.9.0-9) on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-rpi/files/libs/libcec1_1.9.0-9.opk.
Installing liblockdev1 (1.0.3-1) on root.
Downloading http://www.minidvblinux.de/download/4.0.1-rpi/files/libs/liblockdev1_1.0.3-1.opk.
Configuring liblockdev1.
Configuring libcec1.

And now i could install it from the web interface:
Install suspend
Create a snapshot of '/mnt/root/@root' in '/mnt/root/2014-11-13 21:15'
Installing suspend (0-18) on root.
Existing conffile /etc/rc.shutdown is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/rc.shutdown-opkg.
Configuring suspend.

So now how could i configure the suspend application? How could i configure the key who will put it in suspend mode and how to configure the time idle before going to suspend? :)
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 21:25:09 by Linus »

Online clausmuus

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Some questions on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #13 on: November 13, 2014, 22:39:13 »
Thank you for the analyse of the install problem. So I know, where I must search.

There is nothething to configure for the suspend Package. If it is installed, the power off function is switched to suspend. So you enter and leafe the suspend by the power button.

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
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Some questions on MLD on pi (From non German speaker!)
« Reply #14 on: November 13, 2014, 22:52:34 »
Thank's a lot. :)

It's really some great news.
I would thank you a lot for your great works. (all the developpers and the VDR team)

His there a way to put an idle suspend mode? For exemple when the user do nothing for 4hour (for exemple) go to suspend mode.
Is it possible?
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 22:56:23 by Linus »

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