Hi! Thank's a lot!

So, yes it would be great if you include English in a lot of things.

(the install process, the forum and the wiki

But if fact that did not lock me.

If everything work's, and if you need help, i could translate it into french from english. (but not from german.

1) I have tested, it change nothing. In fact it works for mpeg2 sd channel, but not for HD. Vdr seems to not see the audio part.
On the osd when i try to change the audio, it says that there is none
2) I have tried to install it from the web browser (package) but it could not, it lack some dependency.
So i could not install it. How do you do it? From the ssh with opkg install suspend?

It will work on the pi even if it does not have a time module?
3) The pi does not have time module. So when you turn it off, it lost the time and roll back to the default time 1/01/1970 1h00.
So to get the real time, you could get if from the internet but you need an internet access.
I have found that normally, vdr could get the time from a channel, to set the system time (SetSystemTIme and TimeSource, and TimeTransponder), i have set it normally as it should be, but nothing happen, vdr does not set the time.
It's not a real problem for the moment (has i got an internet access or i could buy a time module for pi) but if i could solve it, it would be great.

Thank you so much for your answer. Vdr and MLDHD is the only solution that bring the pi into a reliable TNT Tuner usable by everybody whith no bug.