Update per Web IF gibt aus:
Upgrade all packages
Create a snapshot of '/mnt/root/@root' in '/mnt/root/2015-07-01 19:57'
Collected errors:
* check_data_file_clashes: Package libskindesignerapi wants to install file /usr/lib/libskindesignerapi.so.0.0.1
But that file is already provided by package * vdr-plugin-skindesigner
* check_data_file_clashes: Package libskindesignerapi wants to install file /usr/lib/libskindesignerapi.so.0
But that file is already provided by package * vdr-plugin-skindesigner
* pkg_get_installed_files: Failed to open ///usr/lib/opkg/info/libskindesignerapi.list: No such file or directory.
* pkg_get_installed_files: Failed to open ///usr/lib/opkg/info/libskindesignerapi.list: No such file or directory.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-opkg from 0.1.0-23_2.2.0.174 to 0.1.0-23_2.2.0.187 on root.
Upgrading vdr from to on root.
Existing conffile /etc/rc.shutdown is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/rc.shutdown-opkg.
Existing conffile /etc/vdr/diseqc.conf is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/vdr/diseqc.conf-opkg.
Existing conffile /etc/vdr/menu.xml is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/vdr/menu.xml-opkg.
Existing conffile /etc/vdr/scr.conf is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/vdr/scr.conf-opkg.
Existing conffile /etc/vdr/setup.conf is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/vdr/setup.conf-opkg.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-softhddevice from 2015.03.10-53_2.2.0.174 to 2015.04.22-54_2.2.0.187 on root.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-setup from 0.3.1-26_2.2.0.174 to 0.3.1-26_2.2.0.187 on root.
Existing conffile /etc/vdr/plugins/setup/setup.xml is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/vdr/plugins/setup/setup.xml-opkg.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-tvguide from 2014.09.27-5_2.2.0.174 to 2014.09.27-5_2.2.0.187 on root.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-femon from 2015.04.05-6_2.2.0.174 to 2015.04.05-6_2.2.0.187 on root.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-markad from 0-21_2.2.0.174 to 0-21_2.2.0.187 on root.
vdr ( already installed on root.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-systeminfo from 0.1.3-8_2.2.0.174 to 0.1.3-8_2.2.0.187 on root.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-weatherforecast from 2015.04.12-4_2.2.0.174 to 2015.04.12-5_2.2.0.187 on root.
Installing libskindesignerapi (0-1) on root.
To remove package debris, try `opkg remove libskindesignerapi`.
To re-attempt the install, try `opkg install libskindesignerapi`.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-devstatus from 0.4.1-1_2.2.0.174 to 0.4.1-1_2.2.0.187 on root.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-favorites from 0.0.2-0_2.2.0.174 to 0.0.2-0_2.2.0.187 on root.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-osdteletext from 2015.02.13-3_2.2.0.174 to 2015.02.13-3_2.2.0.187 on root.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-osdpip from 2012.05.16-3_2.2.0.174 to 2012.05.16-3_2.2.0.187 on root.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-burn from 0.2.2-2_2.2.0.174 to 0.2.2-3_2.2.0.187 on root.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-dvd from 2009.01.18-5_2.2.0.174 to 2009.01.18-5_2.2.0.187 on root.
Upgrading vdr-plugin-skindesigner from 2015.04.12-14_2.2.0.174 to 2015.05.22-19_2.2.0.187 on root.
Installing libskindesignerapi (0-1) on root.
Removing obsolete file /usr/lib/libskindesignerapi.so.0.0.1.
Removing obsolete file /usr/lib/libskindesignerapi.so.0.
Configuring vdr.
Configuring libskindesignerapi.
Configuring vdr-plugin-skindesigner.
Configuring vdr-plugin-dvd.
Configuring vdr-plugin-burn.
Configuring vdr-plugin-osdpip.
Configuring vdr-plugin-osdteletext.
Configuring vdr-plugin-favorites.
Configuring vdr-plugin-devstatus.
Configuring vdr-plugin-systeminfo.
Configuring vdr-plugin-markad.
Configuring vdr-plugin-femon.
Configuring vdr-plugin-tvguide.
Configuring vdr-plugin-setup.
Configuring vdr-plugin-softhddevice.
Configuring vdr-plugin-opkg.
kein Bild mehr, hier der Log:
Mir ist aufgefallen, dass im Web IF das Paket vdr gräulich ist, also nicht ausgewählt werden kann, auch vdr-wheatherforcast wird nicht aktualisiert. Ich habe das bisher immer am VDR selber gemacht, da sieht man das nicht. Da habe ich immer Paketliste aktualisiert und mit Grüner Taste alles aktualisiert und danach Blau für reboot.
P.S. spiele nun erst einmal den Snapshot zurück, sonst gibt es Ärger mit der weiblichen Begleitung ;-)