[1] MLD-5.x / Systems / x86 Systeme (PC) / vdr - plugin - mplayer stürzt ab

Offline Fahrenheit

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vdr - plugin - mplayer stürzt ab
« on: December 30, 2015, 12:26:40 »

habe eine neue Installation von 5.0 stable drauf. mit SHD-Standart installation
nvidia ist installiert, audio wurde auch erkannt.

wenn ich VLC oder mplayer(mplayer lässt sich wählen im Eintrag aber sobald die Videodatei ausgewählt wird, stürtzt dieser ebenfalls ab.)
 via Menü starten möchte, stürzen beide ab. Auch Chromium.

wenn ich per xterm selber starte z.b:mplayer -ao alsa -vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau,ffvc1vdpau,ffmpeg12vdpau /media/ordner/datei.mkv
startet der mplayer mit Ton aber kein Bild

VLC starte ich z.b. per Rechtsklick im xorg-fenster da gibt es keine Probleme.

hier mal ein Ausschnitt:

Code: [Select]
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** Starting mplayer.sh Version 0.8.7
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable CFGFIL has value "/etc/mplayer.conf"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable USEAC3 has value "true"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable AC3AOUT has value "-ac hwac3"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable TV_ASPECT has value "16/9"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable PAL has value "true"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable NTSC has value ""
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable USE_SPEED has value "true"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DETC_FILTER has value "detc=dr=2:am=1"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable MPLAYER has value "/usr/bin/mplayer"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable VOP has value "lavc=6000"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable VO has value "mpegpes -slave -nolirc"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable AO has value "mpegpes"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable CACHE has value "16384"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable CACHESTR has value "-cache 16384"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable FRAMEDROP has value "true"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable FDSTR has value "-framedrop"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable LIRCRC has value ""
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable LIRCSTR has value ""
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable SUBTITLE has value " -subpos 80 -sub-bg-color 0 -sub-bg-alpha 30"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable REMOTE has value "-slave -nolirc"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** Use Option USERDEF at your own risk!
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable USERDEF has value "-quiet"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable XResPAL has value "352 480 528 544 704 720"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable XResNTSC has value "352 480 512 544 640 704 720"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable SLOW_CPU has value "false"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: *** Option DVDFiles not set correctly! You will not be able to play VCD/DVD ""
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DVDFiles has value ""
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: *** Option DVD not set correctly! You will not be able to play VCD/DVD ""
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DVD has value ""
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DVDLANG has value "de"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DVDOPTIONS has value ""
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable VCDOPTIONS has value ""
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable MPEG_DIRECT has value "true"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable SUFFIX has value ""
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable MPLAYER_V1 has value "true"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Calling getvidxy function to analyze source video stream ...
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: OutputFromMPLAYER: "ID_VIDEO_ID=0 ID_VID_0_NAME=Das geheime Fenster (2004) ID_AUDIO_ID=0 ID_AID_0_NAME=Deutsch DTS-HD-MA 5.1 [aus RAW PCM] ID_AID_0_LANG=ger ID_AUDIO_ID=1 ID_AID_1_NAME=Englisch AC3 5.1 ID_AID_1_LANG=en
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: MPLAYER_RETURN:  "0"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for ORIG_X: "1920"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for ORIG_Y: "800"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for ORIG_FPS: "23.976"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for ORIG_ASPECT: "2.4000"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for VIDEO_FORMAT: "avc1"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for AUDIO_CODEC: "ffdca"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** INFO: Source Video has Resolution of 1920 x 800 ...
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Film ""
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable MAX_X has value "853"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable NEW_Y has value "355"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** INFO: For Sqare Pixels we would scale to 853 x 355 ...
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable XResTEMP has value "352 480 512 544 640 704 720"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable AnzahlVonXResTEMP has value "7"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable NEW_X has value "720"
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: setting REAL_Y = FULL_Y ""
Dec 30 11:42:29 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable CMDLINE has value "/usr/bin/mplayer -vo mpegpes -slave -nolirc -ao mpegpes -vf scale=720:355,expand=720:480:-1:-1:1,lavc=6000:30  -framedrop -cache 16384 -slave -nolirc  -subpos 80 -sub-bg-color 0 -sub-bg-alph

hier die meldung von vlc
Code: [Select]
Dec 30 12:19:06 (MLD) authpriv.err atd[16995]: PAM unable to dlopen(pam_gnome_keyring.so): /lib/security/pam_gnome_keyring.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Dec 30 12:19:06 (MLD) authpriv.err atd[16995]: PAM adding faulty module: pam_gnome_keyring.so
Dec 30 12:19:06 (MLD) authpriv.info atd[16995]: pam_unix(atd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=1)
Dec 30 12:19:16 (MLD) authpriv.info atd[16995]: pam_unix(atd:session): session closed for user root
Dec 30 12:19:16 (MLD) cron.err atd[16995]: Exec failed for mail command: No such file or directory

komme hier nicht wirklich weiter ....
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 09:40:26 by Fahrenheit »
MLD@5 Hardware: z87M Extreme4; i3 4330; nvidia quadro 600; DD Cine S2 6.5; Intel SSD

Offline Fahrenheit

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mplayer stürzt ab
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2016, 20:24:57 »
hat keiner hier einen tipp ?

wenn ich mplayer mit konsole starte steht unter video = no Video ohne irgend eine andere fehlermeldung.

in /root/.mplayer ist ne config da geht es um den video treiber, aber iese config scheint für den mld 4 zu sein, was muss ich bei mld5 ändern damit ich mal auch bild bekomme ?

würde mich über tipps freuen
MLD@5 Hardware: z87M Extreme4; i3 4330; nvidia quadro 600; DD Cine S2 6.5; Intel SSD

Offline Fahrenheit

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mplayer stürzt ab
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2016, 20:36:08 »
so, mplayer läuft via konsole ohne fehler, man darf anscheinend -ao nicht als erstes laden, dann klappts auch ABER via mplayer plugin läuft es nicht. will mal schauen ob ich da was ändern kann, wenn jmd. tipps hat bitte her damit, danke.

und hier noch ne log wenn mplayer vdr plugin abstürzt:

Code: [Select]
an  5 20:41:26 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] WARNING: source base /data/video expands to /mnt/data/video
Jan  5 20:41:26 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] ERROR: source base /media/dvd not found
Jan  5 20:41:26 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] WARNING: source base /media/dvd not found/permission denied
Jan  5 20:41:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] ERROR: fnmatch(2) .*: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
Jan  5 20:41:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] ERROR: fnmatch(2) *.summary: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
Jan  5 20:41:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] ERROR: fnmatch(2) *.txt: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
Jan  5 20:41:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] ERROR: fnmatch(2) *.nfo: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
Jan  5 20:41:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] ERROR: fnmatch(2) .*: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
Jan  5 20:41:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] ERROR: fnmatch(2) *.summary: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
Jan  5 20:41:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] ERROR: fnmatch(2) *.txt: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
Jan  5 20:41:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] ERROR: fnmatch(2) *.nfo: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
Jan  5 20:41:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] ERROR: fnmatch(2) .*: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
Jan  5 20:41:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] ERROR: fnmatch(2) *.summary: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
Jan  5 20:41:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] ERROR: fnmatch(2) *.txt: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
Jan  5 20:41:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [30987] ERROR: fnmatch(2) *.nfo: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** Starting mplayer.sh Version 0.8.7
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable CFGFIL has value "/etc/mplayer.conf"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable USEAC3 has value "true"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable AC3AOUT has value "-ac hwac3"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable TV_ASPECT has value "16/9"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable PAL has value "true"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable NTSC has value ""
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable USE_SPEED has value "true"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DETC_FILTER has value "detc=dr=2:am=1"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable MPLAYER has value "/usr/bin/mplayer"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable VOP has value "lavc=6000"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable VO has value "mpegpes -slave -nolirc"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable AO has value "mpegpes"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable CACHE has value "16384"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable CACHESTR has value "-cache 16384"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable FRAMEDROP has value "true"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable FDSTR has value "-framedrop"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable LIRCRC has value ""
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable LIRCSTR has value ""
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable SUBTITLE has value " -subpos 80 -sub-bg-color 0 -sub-bg-alpha 30"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable REMOTE has value "-slave -nolirc"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** Use Option USERDEF at your own risk!
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable USERDEF has value "-quiet"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable XResPAL has value "352 480 528 544 704 720"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable XResNTSC has value "352 480 512 544 640 704 720"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable SLOW_CPU has value "false"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: *** Option DVDFiles not set correctly! You will not be able to play VCD/DVD ""
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DVDFiles has value ""
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: *** Option DVD not set correctly! You will not be able to play VCD/DVD ""
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DVD has value ""
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DVDLANG has value "de"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DVDOPTIONS has value ""
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable VCDOPTIONS has value ""
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable MPEG_DIRECT has value "true"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable SUFFIX has value ""
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable MPLAYER_V1 has value "true"
Jan  5 20:41:46 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Calling getvidxy function to analyze source video stream ...
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: OutputFromMPLAYER: "ID_VIDEO_ID=0 ID_AUDIO_ID=0 ID_FILENAME=/media/arbeit/testGERMAN.AC3D.5.1.BDRip.
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: MPLAYER_RETURN:  "0"
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for ORIG_X: "720"
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for ORIG_Y: "384"
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for ORIG_FPS: "23.976"
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for ORIG_ASPECT: "1.8750"
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for VIDEO_FORMAT: "MP4V"
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for AUDIO_CODEC: "ffac3"
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** INFO: Source Video has Resolution of 720 x 384 ...
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Film ""
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable MAX_X has value "853"
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable NEW_Y has value "454"
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** INFO: For Sqare Pixels we would scale to 853 x 454 ...
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable XResTEMP has value "352 480 512 544 640 704 720"
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable AnzahlVonXResTEMP has value "7"
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable NEW_X has value "720"
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: setting REAL_Y = FULL_Y ""
Jan  5 20:41:47 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable CMDLINE has value "/usr/bin/mplayer -vo mpegpes -slave -nolirc -ao mpegpes -vf scale=720:454,expand=720:480:-1:-1:1,lavc=6000:30  -framedrop -cache 16384 -slave -nolirc  -subpos 80 -sub-bg-color 0 -sub-bg-alph
« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 20:48:05 by Fahrenheit »
MLD@5 Hardware: z87M Extreme4; i3 4330; nvidia quadro 600; DD Cine S2 6.5; Intel SSD

Offline Fahrenheit

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mplayer stürzt ab
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2016, 20:52:01 »
und hier die meldung vom fronted:
Code: [Select]
Error op[11323] [input_vdr] Can't connect to tcp://localhost:37890
[11323] [input_vdr]    (ERROR (xine_input_vdr.c,5362): Operation now in progress)
[11323] [input_vdr] Can't connect to tcp://localhost:37890
[11323] [input_vdr]    (ERROR (xine_input_vdr.c,5789): Operation now in progress)
[11323] [vdr-fe]    fe_xine_open: xine_open("xvdr://localhost#nocache") failed
[11323] [input_vdr] Can't connect to tcp://localhost:37890
[11323] [input_vdr]    (ERROR (xine_input_vdr.c,5362): Operation now in progress)
[11323] [input_vdr] Can't connect to tcp://localhost:37890
[11323] [input_vdr]    (ERROR (xine_input_vdr.c,5789): Operation now in progress)
[11323] [vdr-fe]    fe_xine_open: xine_open("xvdr://localhost#nocache") failed
[11323] [input_vdr] Can't connect to tcp://localhost:37890
[11323] [input_vdr]    (ERROR (xine_input_vdr.c,5362): Operation now in progress)
[11323] [input_vdr] Can't connect to tcp://localhost:37890
[11323] [input_vdr]    (ERROR (xine_input_vdr.c,5789): Operation now in progress)
[11323] [vdr-fe]    fe_xine_open: xine_open("xvdr://localhost#nocache") failed
[11323] [input_vdr] Can't connect to tcp://localhost:37890
[11323] [input_vdr]    (ERROR (xine_input_vdr.c,5362): Operation now in progress)
[11323] [input_vdr] Can't connect to tcp://localhost:37890
[11323] [input_vdr]    (ERROR (xine_input_vdr.c,5789): Operation now in progress)
[11323] [vdr-fe]    fe_xine_open: xine_open("xvdr://localhost#nocache") failed
[11323] [vdr-fe]    caught signal 15
[11323] [input_vdr] Can't connect to tcp://localhost:37890
[11323] [input_vdr]    (ERROR (xine_input_vdr.c,5362): Operation now in progress)
[11323] [input_vdr] Can't connect to tcp://localhost:37890
[11323] [input_vdr]    (ERROR (xine_input_vdr.c,5789): Operation now in progress)
[11323] [vdr-fe]    fe_xine_open: xine_open("xvdr://localhost#nocache") failed
vo_vdpau: VDPAU preemption callback
ening xvdr://localhost
Connection to server lost. Reconnecting after two seconds...
Error opening xvdr://localhost
Connection to server lost. Reconnecting after two seconds...
Error opening xvdr://localhost
Connection to server lost. Reconnecting after two seconds...
Error opening xvdr://localhost
Connection to server lost. Reconnecting after two seconds...
Error opening xvdr://localhost
Connection to server lost. Reconnecting after two seconds...
Error opening xvdr://localhost
vo_vdpau: vdpau API version : 1
vo_vdpau: vdpau implementation description : NVIDIA VDPAU Driver Shared Library  340.65  Tue Dec  2 09:13:46 PST 2014
vo_vdpau: maximum video surface size for chroma type 4:2:2 is 4096x4096
vo_vdpau: maximum video surface size for chroma type 4:2:0 is 4096x4096
vo_vdpau: maximum output surface size is 16384x16384
vo_vdpau: hold a maximum of 10 video output surfaces for reuse
vo_vdpau: using 4 output surfaces of size 1920x1080 for display queue
[31012] [vdr-fe]    Detected 4 CPUs
[31012] [vdr-fe]    Enabling FFmpeg multithreaded video decoding
vdpau_set_property: property=2, value=0
vdpau_set_property: property=3, value=128
vdpau_set_property: property=5, value=0
vdpau_set_property: property=24, value=0
vo_vdpau: disable sharpness.
vdpau_set_property: property=25, value=0
vo_vdpau: disable noise reduction.
vdpau_set_property: property=4, value=128
vdpau_set_property: property=1, value=0
vdr-sxfe 2.0.0-cvs  (build with xine-lib 1.2.6, using xine-lib 1.2.6)

Fullscreen mode
Automatic reconnection enabled
Shutdown after 0 minutes of inactivity using method=use_vo_driver
LIRC device:  /dev/lircd
VDR Server: xvdr://localhost

Press Esc to exit

[31036] [lirc]      lirc forwarding started
[31037] [console]   read_key: read(stdin) failed: no stdin
[31037] [console]   Keyboard thread terminated
vo_vdpau: deinterlace: none
vo_vdpau: set_scaling_level=0
vo_vdpau: enabled features: inverse_telecine=0
vo_vdpau: disable noise reduction.
vo_vdpau: disable sharpness.
vo_vdpau: skip_chroma = 0

hatte vorher mit shd-nvidia probiert, selber S****ß
MLD@5 Hardware: z87M Extreme4; i3 4330; nvidia quadro 600; DD Cine S2 6.5; Intel SSD

Offline Fahrenheit

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mplayer stürzt ab
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2016, 09:48:05 »
was ich auch gerne wissen würde, wo die config vom vdr-mplayer liegt.

Code: [Select]
/etc/vdr/plugins/vdrmplayer.conf normal wäre die dort, aber finde leider nix, nur die source.conf

MLD@5 Hardware: z87M Extreme4; i3 4330; nvidia quadro 600; DD Cine S2 6.5; Intel SSD

Offline clausmuus

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vdr - plugin - mplayer stürzt ab
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2016, 10:20:13 »

die plugin Parameter werden in der /etc/rc.config eingetragen.

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
MLD 6.5 - lirc yaUsbIR - OctopusNet - XFX GeForce 9300 mit Intel E3200 - 2GB RAM - 22TB HDD - Lian Li PC-C37B - Samsung LE40A559

Offline Fahrenheit

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vdr - plugin - mplayer stürzt ab
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2016, 11:51:12 »

die plugin Parameter werden in der /etc/rc.config eingetragen.


Code: [Select]

# System Name
# System Version
# System Type
# Host Name

# Logging und Kernel log level (0=deaktiviert Logging, 1=loggin in ramdisk, 2=loggin auf hdd, 3=erweiterte Fehlermeldungen auf Konsole, 3-8=kernel logging)

# Login-prompt zeigen (deaktiviert silent splash screen)

# Letzter auszuführender Befehl vor dem Abschalten (z.B. "sleep 1000" um die letzten Meldungen in ruhe zu studieren)

# Anzahl der Bootsteps für Fortschrittsanzeige

### Local settings ###

# Usage a ACPI Daemon (1=on, 0=off)
# Usage a NTPD Service (1=on, 0=off)
# name of the ntp server to use

# Usage a DHCP server (1=on, 0=off)
# Network Interface
# IP address of this PC
# Network mask of IP address
# IP address of default gateway
# IP address of DNS server
# Domain name
# Domain name of this PC
# Aktivate wakeup on lan  (1=on)
# IP of the server
# MAC of the server
# wakeup the server on startup (1=on, 0=off)
# shutdown the server on shutdown (1=on, 0=off)

# Take a snapshot on package installation upgrade or remove

# ID of this PC (if set, send list of installed packages to MLD server)
# Check if upgrades available
# package class (stable, testing, unstable)
# User name for developer packages

# time to show the boot menu

# Sprache des Systems (ist ebenfalls in der /etc/profile eingetragen)
# timezone of the system
# keymap to use

# Port on that the webserver listen
# Check the password to enter the webif system setup


# Alsa output Device  ('auto' for default configuration)

# Lirc Aufruf Argumente
# Lirc modul to use

# DVB type to scan
# Country to scan for
# Satellite to scan for
# Upload channel list after scan

# Argumente mit denen VDR gestartet werden soll
VDR_ARGS="--vfat -l 1"
# Plugins die in der angegebenen Reihenfolge geladen werden sollen
# Kanalliste die verwendet werden soll (verfügbare Listen stehen unter /etc/vdr/channels)
# DiSEqC setting to use
VDR_DISEQC="Full DiSEqC sequence"
# Count of DVB adapters
# Defalt epg charset

# Refresh rate to use for the screen
# Argumente mit denen vdr-sxfe gestartet werden soll
VDR_SXFE_ARGS="--fullscreen --reconnect xvdr://localhost -p tvtime:method=use_vo_driver"
# Aspect of vdr-sxfe (4:3, 16:9)
# Ausgabedevice festlegen: '-l fbfe' '-l none' '-V auto' '-V fb' '-V DirectFB' '-V vidixfb' '-V none'
VDR_PLUGIN_ARGS_xineliboutput="-l none -r 37890 -t"

# wakeup method (timer | nvram | acpi)
# reason for a reboot. onchange means, that the wakeup time has change (none | always | onchange)
# nvram-wakeup Argumente (z.B. --directisa)
# Minuten die der PC vor einer anstehenden Aufnahme gebootet wird

# X aufruf Argumente
XORG_X_ARGS="-ardelay 250 -arinterval 30"
# Refresh rate to use for the screen
# Size to use for the screen
# overscan x offset
# overscan y offset


# Setting MPV Default: video:vpaud & alsa:device=default   //war für ein test kurz installiert.
VDR_PLUGIN_ARGS_mpv="-b /mnt/data/video"

leider sind hier keine mplayer einträge dabei  :o
MLD@5 Hardware: z87M Extreme4; i3 4330; nvidia quadro 600; DD Cine S2 6.5; Intel SSD

Offline clausmuus

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vdr - plugin - mplayer stürzt ab
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2016, 11:55:17 »
Dann einfach die Zeile VDR_PLUGIN_ARGS_mplayer="..." hinzufügen oder über das Webif oder OSD die gewünschten Einstellungen vornehmen.

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
MLD 6.5 - lirc yaUsbIR - OctopusNet - XFX GeForce 9300 mit Intel E3200 - 2GB RAM - 22TB HDD - Lian Li PC-C37B - Samsung LE40A559

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vdr - plugin - mplayer stürzt ab
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2016, 21:44:39 »
also hab mal bissel rum probiert, mplayer kommt mit " -vf ..... " nicht klar, bekomme aber diese option die wohl nicht mplayer mag auch nicht raus.

Code: [Select]
6 21:39:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [12763] WARNING: source base /data/video expands to /mnt/data/video
Jan  6 21:39:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [12763] ERROR: source base /media/dvd not found
Jan  6 21:39:40 (MLD) user.err vdr: [12763] WARNING: source base /media/dvd not found/permission denied
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** Starting mplayer.sh Version 0.8.7
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable CFGFIL has value "/etc/mplayer.conf"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable USEAC3 has value "true"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable AC3AOUT has value "-ac hwac3"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable TV_ASPECT has value "16/9"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable PAL has value "true"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable NTSC has value ""
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable USE_SPEED has value "false"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DETC_FILTER has value "ivtc=1"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable MPLAYER has value "/usr/bin/mplayer"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable VOP has value "lavc=6000"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable VO has value "vdpau"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable AO has value "alsa"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable CACHE has value "16384"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable CACHESTR has value "-cache 16384"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable FRAMEDROP has value "false"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable FDSTR has value ""
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable LIRCRC has value "/etc/.lircrc"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable LIRCSTR has value "-lircconf /etc/.lircrc"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable SUBTITLE has value ""
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable REMOTE has value "-slave -nolirc"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** Use Option USERDEF at your own risk!
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable USERDEF has value "-quiet"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable XResPAL has value "352 480 528 544 704 720"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable XResNTSC has value "352 480 512 544 640 704 720"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable SLOW_CPU has value "false"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: *** Option DVDFiles not set correctly! You will not be able to play VCD/DVD ""
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DVDFiles has value ""
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: *** Option DVD not set correctly! You will not be able to play VCD/DVD ""
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DVD has value ""
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DVDLANG has value "en"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable DVDOPTIONS has value ""
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable VCDOPTIONS has value ""
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable MPEG_DIRECT has value "true"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable SUFFIX has value ""
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable MPLAYER_V1 has value "true"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Calling getvidxy function to analyze source video stream ...
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: OutputFromMPLAYER: "ID_VIDEO_ID=0 ID_AUDIO_ID=0 ID_CLIP_INFO_NAME0=encoder ID_CLIP_INFO_VALUE0=VirtualDubMod (build 2542/release) ID_CLIP_INFO_N=1 ID_FILENAME=/media/test/test.avi
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: MPLAYER_RETURN:  "0"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for ORIG_X: "720"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for ORIG_Y: "384"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for ORIG_FPS: "23.976"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for ORIG_ASPECT: "1.8750"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for VIDEO_FORMAT: "MP4V"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: parsed output for AUDIO_CODEC: "ffac3"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** INFO: Source Video has Resolution of 720 x 384 ...
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Film ""
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable MAX_X has value "853"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable NEW_Y has value "454"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** INFO: For Sqare Pixels we would scale to 853 x 454 ...
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable XResTEMP has value "352 480 512 544 640 704 720"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable AnzahlVonXResTEMP has value "7"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable NEW_X has value "720"
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: setting REAL_Y = FULL_Y ""
Jan  6 21:40:04 (MLD) user.notice root: *** DEBUG: Variable CMDLINE has value "/usr/bin/mplayer -vo vdpau -ao alsa -vf scale=720:454,expand=720:480:-1:-1:1,lavc=6000:30   -cache 16384 -slave -nolirc  -quiet "
MLD@5 Hardware: z87M Extreme4; i3 4330; nvidia quadro 600; DD Cine S2 6.5; Intel SSD

Offline clausmuus

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    • ClausMuus.de
vdr - plugin - mplayer stürzt ab
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2016, 00:01:57 »
Das Plugin ruft für die Wiedergabe das Script /usr/bin/mplayer.sh auf, in dem dann auch die Parameter für den mplayer drin stehen.
Außerdem gibt es noch die /etc/mplayer.conf um den mplayer zu konfigurieren.

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
MLD 6.5 - lirc yaUsbIR - OctopusNet - XFX GeForce 9300 mit Intel E3200 - 2GB RAM - 22TB HDD - Lian Li PC-C37B - Samsung LE40A559

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vdr - plugin - mplayer stürzt ab
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2016, 19:57:26 »
Das Plugin ruft für die Wiedergabe das Script /usr/bin/mplayer.sh auf, in dem dann auch die Parameter für den mplayer drin stehen.
Außerdem gibt es noch die /etc/mplayer.conf um den mplayer zu konfigurieren.


dann ist das doch ein allgemeines Problem vom vdr plugin mplayer, normal dürfte über osd mplayer bei keinem user starten, hab mld frisch drauf
MLD@5 Hardware: z87M Extreme4; i3 4330; nvidia quadro 600; DD Cine S2 6.5; Intel SSD

Offline clausmuus

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    • ClausMuus.de
vdr - plugin - mplayer stürzt ab
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2016, 10:36:17 »
Wenn Du austestest wie das mplayer.sh Script angepasst werden muss, damit es wieder funktioniert, übernehme ich das gerne in das Paket. Andernfalls musst Du abwarten, bis einer der Entwickler die Zeit findet sich dessen anzunehmen.

MLD 5.5 - Raspberry PI - 7" Touch TFT - Squeeze Play
MLD 6.5 - lirc yaUsbIR - OctopusNet - XFX GeForce 9300 mit Intel E3200 - 2GB RAM - 22TB HDD - Lian Li PC-C37B - Samsung LE40A559

Offline Fahrenheit

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vdr - plugin - mplayer stürzt ab
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2016, 20:38:33 »
Wenn Du austestest wie das mplayer.sh Script angepasst werden muss, damit es wieder funktioniert, übernehme ich das gerne in das Paket. Andernfalls musst Du abwarten, bis einer der Entwickler die Zeit findet sich dessen anzunehmen.


bin dabei,  ich melde mich wenn ich was hab
MLD@5 Hardware: z87M Extreme4; i3 4330; nvidia quadro 600; DD Cine S2 6.5; Intel SSD

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