seit der 5er funktioniert bei mir der Zugriff auf meine NAS nicht mehr.
Konfiguration wie immer:
# path is relative to autofs directory
Im Log:
media directory: /media
VDR recordings: /mnt/data/tv
autofs directory: /net
Local directories: {u'Video': u'/mnt/data/video', u'Musik': u'/mnt/data/music', u'Video/Serien': u'/mnt/data/video/series', u'Bilder': u'/mnt/data/photo', u'Video/Filme': u'/mnt/data/video/movies'}
VDR Static remote directories: {}
Media Static remote directories: {}
use translations: True
use fat_safe_names: True
Prefix for NFS mounts:
Suffix for NFS mounts: (nfs)
use dbus2vdr: False
SVDRP-Port: 6419
IP whitelist: [IPv4Network(''), IPv6Network('::/0')]
IP blacklist: []
Hostname: MLD
Log to file: True
Logfile: /var/log/avahi-linker.log
Loglevel: DEBUG
2016-01-04 18:01:40,124 DEBUG VDR not reachable
2016-01-04 18:01:40,125 DEBUG Detected service 'Videos on MLD' type '_nfs._tcp' domain 'local'
2016-01-04 18:01:40,125 INFO skip local service 'Videos on MLD' type '_nfs._tcp' domain