Mittlerweile gibt's auch Dual DVB-S/S2/S2X USB.
Could you please mention what is the tuner/demod chipset used in the dual tuner device?
We usually don't disclose which chipsets are used because they might change any time or even get revision updates.
It's better to ask about particular features, or things we can test.
Will it be shipped from Taiwan?
Thanks in advance.
Manufacturing, R&D and support (RMA/technical repairs if needed) are still handled in Europe; Outside of Europe Taiwan is preferred.
International shipping rates are better in Taiwan, German Post cut the insurance on parcels last year (it's not allowed to put devices into registered letters anymore).
Depending how things will change we might re-adjust that setup. We have 3 countries as an option for shipping. Germany, Austria and Taiwan (via our long term component distributor).
in welchen Preisbereich werden die sich dann bewegen? Wäre interessant für ein Proxmox Projekt mit MLD als Server in einem LXC Container.
Welche die 4x oder die 8x? Und welche Server Hardware?
Die 4x USB 2.0 scheinen auf einem Raspberry PI am Besten zu funktionieren (bezüglich der Gesamtbandbreite).
Bei USB 3.0 stellt sich die Frage natürlich nicht.