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Messages - jorac

Raspberry PI / AverMedia usb tv tuner problem in RPI MLD 4
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:11:18 »
I use a channels.conf that I have created with w_scan in Ubuntu 14.04. I've done the following tests:
1) Installed vdr on a PC with Ubuntu 14.04 and using my AverMedia usb tv tuner and the application kaffeine, I was able to see tv shows. Previously I had to build the media_build from This way I know that lastest linux drivers work.
2) As I said before, I have tested another raspberry software that uses XBMC as frontend and installed vdr as backend called OpenElec. It work, I was able to see channels without any problem with my usb tv tuner. I used the channels.conf created with Ubuntu.
3) Using another SD card I installed MLD and did not work.

I'm using a Rapberry Pi B+, with a 2A power supply and inserting the USB tv tuner directly to the RPI. I have also tested connecting the tv tuner through a USB hub.

The signal quality if good, because if I change the SD card and put the OpenElec software it works. If then, usign the same hardware I put the SD card with MLD it does not work.

I was not able to use w_scan to get channels.conf in MLD because I have the following problem:

MLD> w_scan -c ES -a 0
w_scan version 20120605 (compiled for DVB API 5.4)
using settings for SPAIN
DVB aerial
DVB-T Europe
scan type TERRESTRIAL, channellist 4
output format vdr-1.6
WARNING: could not guess your codepage. Falling back to 'UTF-8'
output charset 'UTF-8', use -C <charset> to override
main:3225: FATAL: failed to open '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0': 19 No such device
MLD> ls -l /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0
crw-rw---T    1 root     video     212,   3 Dec  5 22:51 /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0

I do not know why it says "No such device", because the device node exists.

Last week I was looking at the MLD logs and saw an error message from udev related to not being able to start something called net.agent. Maybe it makes udev not finish properly. IMHO I think there must be something wrong in MLD kernel or udev, or whatever... that makes the AverMedia driver not work.

I will try to investigate more later, but if you have any suggestion it will be wellcome.


Raspberry PI / AverMedia usb tv tuner problem in RPI MLD 4
« on: December 31, 2014, 01:55:31 »
I'm new to the forum. I don't know german, so I have to do it in english...
I'm trying to run MLD on a raspberry with USB tv tuner from Avermedia and could not make it run. If I take a look at /var/log/messages everything seems ok, but there's no tv show on the screen (I can see the OSD). The w_scan does not work, I get the message (I have stopped vdr before):

I have reported the error from the RPI webserver, the upload code is: oO8YDN. I hope all logs are there.

I have also tried openelec (using vdr as backend) for raspberry and it worked out of the box, I was able to see tv shows. The last linux drivers for Avermedia seems to work.

Thanks for you support.