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Messages - stefan_do

Entwicklung [ Development ] / Framebuffer
« on: September 20, 2007, 10:32:30 »
Kernel ist auf zenslack. Die alte Version weil ich die drm module von Intel fuer IEGD installiert habe (und agp kernel patch).
Config ist zenslack nur mit i810fb einkompiliert, sonst keine besonderen Aenderungen.

Entwicklung [ Development ] / Framebuffer
« on: September 20, 2007, 06:30:50 »
@ detlef

Ruckler sind selten und kommen denke ich eher vom streamen. top zeigt vdr bei ca. 60%, wobei per softdevice deinterlacing eingeschaltet ist.


Das kommt beim start von der Console:

root@SMT-7020S:/var/log# vdr -c /etc/vdr -L /usr/local/lib/vdr -v /video -P"softdevice -vo dfb:" -P streamdev-client -P"remote -l /dev/lircd" -P epgsearch -P skinsoppalusikka -P cpumon -P sysinfo
[softdevice] processing args
[softdevice]   argv
  • = softdevice
[softdevice]   argv [1] = -vo
[setup-softdevice] alsa ac3Mode set to: 1
[setup-softdevice] alsa AC3 device set to: hw:0,1
[setup-softdevice] alsa device set to: default
[setup-softdevice] autodetectAspect 1
[setup-softdevice] A/V Offset set to (0)
[setup-softdevice] Cropping 0 lines from bottom
[setup-softdevice] Cropping 0 columns from left
[setup-softdevice] cropping mode set to 0 (none)
[setup-softdevice] cropping mode toggle key set to 0 (none)
[setup-softdevice] Cropping 0 columns from right
[setup-softdevice] Cropping 0 lines from top
[setup-softdevice] deinterlace method set to 1 lavc
[setup-softdevice] Expanding 0 columns at left and right
[setup-softdevice] Expanding 0 columns at top and bottom
[setup-softdevice] mainMenu: 1
[setup-softdevice] setting alpha blend mode to pseudo
[softdevice] picture mirroring set to 0 (off)
[setup-softdevice] pixel format set to (YUY2)
[setup-softdevice] shouldSuspend to: 0
[setup-softdevice] syncTimerMode: sig
[softdevice] UseSetSourceRectangle to off
[softdevice] UseStretchBlitset to off
[setup-softdevice] vidBrightness: -1
[setup-softdevice] vidContrast: -1
[setup-softdevice] vidHue: -1
[setup-softdevice] vidSaturation: -1
[setup-softdevice] startup aspect set to (4:3 normal)
[softdevice] initializing Plugin
[softdevice] Initializing Video Out
[softdevice] ffmpeg build(3349504)
06:17:09.0603 I [4050] [dfb] init
[dfb] RAM: 8388608 bytes
[dfb] Accellerated Functions: FillRectange DrawRectange FillTriangle Blit All
[dfb] Drawing Flags: none
[dfb] Surface Blitting Flags: SrcColorkey DstColorkey
06:17:09.0908 I [4050] [dfb] Supported video Modes are:
640x480@8 640x480@8 640x480@8 640x480@8 640x480@8 800x600@8 800x600@8 800x600@8 800x600@8 800x600@8 800x600@8 800x600@8 800x600@8 1024x768@8 1024x768@8 1024x768@8 1024x768@8 1024x768@8 1024x768@8 1152x864@8 1152x864@8 1152x864@8 1152x864@8 1152x864@8 1152x864@8 1024x1024@8
06:17:09.0910 I [4050] [dfb] Enumerating display Layers
06:17:09.0910 I [4050] [dfb] Configuring CooperativeLevel for OSD
Layer 0 FBDev Primary Layer  Type: graphics
  Caps: brightness contrast saturation surface
Layer 1 Intel 810/815 Overlay  Type: graphics picture video
  Caps: brightness contrast deinterlacing dst_colorkey opacity saturation screen_location surface
06:17:09.0914 I [4050] [dfb] (osdLayer): flags, options, pixelformat: 0000000f, 00000000 00211780
06:17:09.0914 I [4050] [dfb] (osdLayer): width, height:               640 480
06:17:09.0914 I [4050] [dfb] osdLayer without !! alpha channel
06:17:09.0948 D [4050] [dfb] surface capabilities for (scrSurface): videoonly, double-buffered, flipping, PixelFormat = 0x00211780
06:17:09.0948 I [4050] [dfb] width = 640, height = 480
06:17:09.0948 I [4050] [dfb] got fmt = 0x00211780 bpp = 16
06:17:09.0954 I [4050] [dfb] Using this layer for OSD: (FBDev Primary Layer - [640x480])
06:17:09.0954 D [4050] [dfb] surface capabilities for (osdSurface): videoonly, double-buffered, flipping, PixelFormat = 0x00418c04
06:17:09.0954 I [4050] [dfb] Configuring CooperativeLevel for Overlay
06:17:09.0956 D [4050] [dfb] surface capabilities for (videoSurface): videoonly, PixelFormat = 0x00200806
06:17:09.0956 I [4050] [dfb] Using this layer for OSD:        FBDev Primary Layer
06:17:09.0957 I [4050] [dfb] Using this layer for Video out:  Intel 810/815 Overlay
06:17:09.0986 I [4050] [dfb] Display frame time is 19998 microseconds
06:17:09.0986 D [4050] [dfb] (re)configuring Videolayer to 720 x 576 (720x576)
06:17:09.0989 D [4050] [dfb] surface capabilities for (videoSurface): videoonly, double-buffered, flipping, PixelFormat = 0x00200806
06:17:09.0989 D [4050] [dfb] (re)configured 0x00200806
[softdevice] Subplugin successfully opend
[softdevice] Video Out seems to be OK
[softdevice] Initializing Audio Out
[softdevice] Audio out seems to be OK
[softdevice] A/V devices initialized, now initializing MPEG2 Decoder
06:17:12.0898 D [4059] [dfb] (re)configuring Videolayer to 736 x 576 (736x576)
06:17:12.0901 D [4059] [dfb] surface capabilities for (videoSurface): videoonly, double-buffered, flipping, PixelFormat = 0x00200806
06:17:12.0902 D [4059] [dfb] (re)configured 0x00200806
06:17:20.0182 D [4072] [VideoOut] reset: sync info: repF = 0, drpF = 0, totF = 0
Compiler did not align stack variables. Libavcodec has been miscompiled
and may be very slow or crash. This is not a bug in libavcodec,
but in the compiler. Do not report crashes to FFmpeg developers.
allocating buffer format orig->format 0
06:17:20.0446 D [4073] [dfb] (re)configuring Videolayer to 720 x 576 (720x576)
06:17:20.0450 D [4073] [dfb] surface capabilities for (videoSurface): videoonly, double-buffered, flipping, PixelFormat = 0x00200806
06:17:20.0450 D [4073] [dfb] (re)configured 0x00200806
06:17:22.0538 D [4073] [VideoOut] video now synced (47 - -152)
06:17:25.0332 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.009 ms long)
06:17:25.0932 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.010 ms long)
06:17:30.0796 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.008 ms long)
06:17:33.0848 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.009 ms long)
06:17:33.0956 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.009 ms long)
06:17:34.0004 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.009 ms long)
06:17:34.0084 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.009 ms long)
06:17:34.0204 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.009 ms long)
06:17:34.0316 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.010 ms long)
06:17:34.0558 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.010 ms long)
06:17:34.0684 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.008 ms long)
06:17:34.0908 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.009 ms long)
[mpeg2video @ 0xb7bfcb08]ac-tex damaged at 0 1
06:17:34.0972 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.007 ms long)
[mpeg2video @ 0xb7bfcb08]Warning MVs not available
[mpeg2video @ 0xb7bfcb08]concealing 45 DC, 45 AC, 45 MV errors
06:17:35.0020 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.010 ms long)
06:17:35.0329 D [4075] [softdevice-audio]: Xrun (at least 0.008 ms long)


     =======================|  DirectFB 1.0.0  |=======================
          © 2001-2007  The DirectFB Organization (
          © 2000-2004  Convergence (integrated media) GmbH

(*) DirectFB/Core: Single Application Core. (2007-09-08 12:02)
(*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'lirc'
(*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'keyboard'
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Linux Input' (INPUT, 4057)...
(*) DirectFB/Input: Logitech USB Receiver (1) 0.1 (
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Linux Input' (INPUT, 4058)...
(*) DirectFB/Input: Logitech USB Receiver (2) 0.1 (
(*) DirectFB/Genefx: MMX detected and enabled
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: Intel 810/810E/810-DC100/815 0.5 (Tony Daplas)
(*) DirectFB/Core/WM: Default 0.3 (

fb.modes ist die Originale von Zenslack, da keine Auflösung in directfbrc aktiviert ist nimmt er die erste aus fb.modes.

mode "640x480-73"
    # D: 31.000 MHz, H: 37.990 kHz, V: 73.058 Hz
    geometry 640 480 640 960 16
    timings 32258 120 16 29 8 40 3
    hsync high
    vsync high
    gsync true
    rgba 5/10,5/5,5/0,1/15

Frame buffer device information:
    Name        : I810
    Address     : 0xf9000000
    Size        : 8388608
    Type        : PACKED PIXELS
    Visual      : TRUECOLOR
    XPanStep    : 8
    YPanStep    : 1
    YWrapStep   : 0
    LineLength  : 1280
    MMIO Address: 0xf4000000
    MMIO Size   : 524288
    Accelerator : Unknown (39)

Das muss ich noch weiter ausprobieren. Die append Zeile hab ich von dir übernommen, die i810fb_main.c ist geändert.
Ich habe allerdings den Eindruck, dass fbset wirkungslos bleibt, lediglich die Einstellung aus der append Zeile bleiben aktiv.



Entwicklung [ Development ] / Framebuffer
« on: September 19, 2007, 22:40:52 »

Danke für Eure Tips mit DirectFB. Läuft bei mir, und für mein subjektives Empfinden ist das Bild wesentlich besser als mit Xorg oder Iegd.
Die Auflösung ist momentan lediglich das Problem und leider kann ich zumindest nichts auf den i2c (fs454) schreiben.
Anbei meine directfbrc, damit funzt auch das OSD.


Softdevice hab ich mit triple buffering gestartet, wie gesagt das Bild ist soweit prima. Das Setzten von 768x576 lässt directfb mit einem internal bug abschmieren.