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Messages - johnnyrun

Entwicklung [ Development ] / Smt-7020s
« on: August 13, 2008, 13:19:44 »
Pay attention.
Other distros work @ 640x480 or 720x5.. with "tv_setup" (a program "hack" to gain this higher resolution).
I get best results with 640x480.
I think that 800x600 is too high.

In few days I'll try MDL.

Entwicklung [ Development ] / Smt-7020s
« on: August 09, 2008, 12:12:44 »
I was out for holilday. Sorry for delay.
@claus: thanks but I think I'm not so skilled to do that. I'll be a betatester of MLD when it will work.
@duffy: thanks for the link. When I'll have a bit of time, I'll test it.

Entwicklung [ Development ] / Smt-7020s
« on: August 01, 2008, 12:40:40 »
Ops... MLD can't work now :)
I have experience only in debian etch for SMT.
But if can I be usefull, contact me freely, but I don't have a suse system.
When SVN will come back, I'll take a look to SVN version and source codes.


Entwicklung [ Development ] / Smt-7020s
« on: August 01, 2008, 11:37:30 »
Hi all!
It's my first post, thanks to all developer and comunity.
Excuse me, my german is too poor to explain what follows:

I have a 32 MB flash.
- The install script fail if flash is on hdc and cdrom is on hda. Due to the phisical size of the flash, I can't do otherwise.
My fix:
Skipped automatic installation, I did all step by step (partitioning, format, copy MLD).
But grub installation from menu fail because in my configuration grub maps hdc flash as as hd0, not hd2! Grub is intelligent!!
I started the system via live, I got a root console and I did a manual grub installation, replacing "vmlinuz" with "kernel" in /boot/grub/menu.lst, and doing:
GRUB> root (hd0,0)
GRUB> setup --prefix=/mld/boot/grub (hd0)
(I suggest to add a root console on (ALT+F2) to do some stuff by hand in "installation mode".)

Now I took the flash from pc and placed in SMT.
I can boot, but the framebuffer does not work. So, booting, I get no menu to choose the channel list, and after boot is complete, I get only vdr instruction about keys (volume, channel zapping,...) but nothing else.
Console is ok, vdr binary and their plugins are present.
The screen seems not a framebuffer console, but the a plain one.

Thanks a lot

p.s.: for shorter and easier post I can write in (poor) german