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Messages - obrien

It might be worth to add that my configuration with three PCI cards is unusual, a bit tricky and required some engineering work. Normally only two slots are available.


I have an Activy 300 with a Siemens DVB-C, a SL DVB-T and a PVR250 (for analog cable), running a Debian Sarge based Linux with VDR. Works quite fine for me.

The system is rather quiet, just a single, large and thus slow fan in the middle, so the only thing you hear is the harddisk (which is also a bit suspended). It runs with a 80W power supply, so it should be quite ok to run it 24/7. I also use it to log into my home from outside the world and wake up other machines from there.

The scancodes of the stock remote control are somewhat tricky, making it rather unusable at least on standard Windows systems which don't have a modified keyboard driver. Running Windows on it will probably at least require an additional, external remote control, possibly with some kind or trackball or similar, if you need a mouse.

I don't know the MCE and haven't tried it on the Activy yet, but the stock CPU (666 or 733 MHz PII-based Celeron) sounds a bit weak to me for running XP. However there are ways to put in a more powerful one. For VDR it's far more than enough, though.

There is no standard "build-in" software for the Activy; if you buy a used one, you may not get any software at all. I've seen two GUIs which both are based on Win98 embedded. The old "dive" is indeed pretty bad and not worth a look. The Datacargo "VisionGate", which can also be bought separately, isn't that bad in the latest versions. I don't know, however, if it is available in English, since it was mainly made for the german market.

Hope this helps a bit.
