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Messages - dodger

Entwicklung [ Development ] / Test MLD-4.0.1-64 ISO
« on: July 15, 2014, 22:41:38 »
Thank you Claus! After latest packages update and installing skincurses i don't have any errors.
I remove the module in /etc/modules too...


Entwicklung [ Development ] / Test MLD-4.0.1-64 ISO
« on: July 15, 2014, 20:01:52 »

@Claus - I start latest MLD-4.0.1-64_xbmc_2014.07.14-70.iso from USB stick.
There was 2 packages for update - "VDR" and "weakup" and I update them.
On first look its work fine but I saw this message again in tty1 console:
Starting webserver:
cat: can't open '7181' : No such file or directory

then I installed on HDD and after restart i have this error  messages:
- /etc/init.d/wakeup: .: line 161: can't open '/etc/rc.shutdown'..
- Load preselected kernel modules:
   modprobe: module snd_bcm2835 not found in modules.dep   failed
- Starting webserver:
   cat: can't open '779': No such file or directory   failed
- Jul 15 20:55:07 (MLD) user.err vdr: [496] ERROR: no OSD provider available - using dummy OSD! (this is repetated many times - flooding my system messages log )

XBMC start and I have sound but I want to share this if this can help you..
I have Debug-Log if you need it..


Entwicklung [ Development ] / samba share
« on: July 15, 2014, 17:34:41 »
@det thanks ill test it later..
After update yesterday evening my system have problem to start.. I think is something related with video drivers..
After update xorg.autodetect pull all drivers for nvidia and my system is mess.(I use nvidia.legacy) My X start but no xbmc. I saw some error in log (I don't remember exactly what was) cat: canĀ“t open 'SOME NUMBER': No such file.
I'll try fresh MLD instalation

Entwicklung [ Development ] / samba share
« on: July 11, 2014, 20:34:23 »
Thank you, cifs mount work perfect!

I'll use this post to ask one more question..

I want to compile this application
(Plex Home Theater)
HOWTO for ubuntu:

for MLD but I have a problem with Makefile creation. Where can I find more information about the structure and the variables?

thanks in advance

Entwicklung [ Development ] / samba share
« on: July 11, 2014, 14:30:11 »

How I can mount windows/samba share?
I using MLD 4.0.1-64/32  and with this command:
mount -t cifs //ip-address/share /mnt/test
I get error: "failed: No such device"
I can't find any additional cifs package for MLD 4.

any advice?


Entwicklung [ Development ] / Dvb-tbs Driver Problem..
« on: May 16, 2012, 09:04:31 »
after updating my system(Linux MLD #1 SMP Wed May 16 03:54:34 CEST 2012 i686 GNU/Linux) my dvb-tbs driver stop working.
I check with lsmod - and they are not loaded. I think this drivers include in build are old(v120216) the latest one are (v120515)
Sugesting - change url source for tbs driver.
Now we take drivers from here -   is outdated
Can we take drivers from here - - this one are the latest


Entwicklung [ Development ] / Xbmc Subtitle Problem..
« on: May 13, 2012, 20:57:00 »
Thanks its work perfect now..

btw I made VDR OSD translation on Bulgarian you know where i can submit it?

thanks again

Entwicklung [ Development ] / Xbmc Subtitle Problem..
« on: May 13, 2012, 19:54:37 »

i have strange problem with xbmc and cyrillic (bulgarian)subtitles..  When i watch moves subtitles are loaded but i can't see them on display. I test with english one and they are ok.. (with bulgarian subs I dont see strange symbols - they just missed on the screen)
I found this error on xbmc.log file:
18:40:47 T:2884041584   ERROR: convert_checked iconv_open() failed from CP1251 to WCHAR_T, errno=22(Invalid argument)
in xbmc i setup encoding cyrillic(windows). Same movies with same subs working OK on other linux machine with XBMC..

How can I fix this. Thanks

P.S on vdr I can watch BG subs and EPG .. I added manualy iso8859-5

Entwicklung [ Development ] / Rotorng Patch
« on: May 08, 2012, 17:00:36 »
I miss in the first post to tell that I test this patch manualy  and I can confirm that rotorng is working perfect with it.


Entwicklung [ Development ] / Rotorng Patch
« on: May 08, 2012, 14:08:10 »
there is new patch for rotorng. Without this patch is not working correctly for vdr 1.7.27.
Can you check it..?


EDIT: file dont want to attach ill paste it in plane code:
diff --git a/rotorng.c b/rotorng.c
index 30afdff..f8da8db 100644
--- a/rotorng.c
+++ b/rotorng.c

@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
   int last_position_shown;
   bool transfer;
-  virtual void ChannelSwitch(const cDevice *Device, int ChannelNumber);
+  virtual void ChannelSwitch(const cDevice *Device, int ChannelNumber,bool LiveView);
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
-void cStatusMonitor::ChannelSwitch(const cDevice *Device, int ChannelNumber)
+void cStatusMonitor::ChannelSwitch(const cDevice *Device, int ChannelNumber,bool LiveView)
   //actuator_status status;
   if (ChannelNumber) {
@@ -1494,7 +1494,7 @@
                snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),"%s %d", tr(menucaption[itemindex]), menuvalue[itemindex]);
              case MI_SYSTEM:
-               snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),"%s %s", tr(menucaption[itemindex]), MapToUserString(menuvalue[itemindex], SystemValues));
+               snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),"%s %s", tr(menucaption[itemindex]), MapToUserString(menuvalue[itemindex], SystemValuesSat));
              case MI_MODULATION:
                snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),"%s %s ", tr(menucaption[itemindex]), MapToUserString(menuvalue[itemindex], ModulationValues));

Entwicklung [ Development ] / New Application
« on: March 28, 2012, 11:33:45 »
ok ill try to find some solution.. thanks for replays

@MarMic after checking my log/messages i found this error about rotorng plugin(i remove totally my version and install from addons section)

Mar 27 17:37:59 (none) user.err vdr: [3851] ERROR: unknown config parameter: rotorng.DVB-Karte = 1

Karte? is this on german?

I have other question again :) if I have working vdr but without frontend, what packages/libs i need to have this frontend. One is vdr-plugin-xineliboutput xineliboutput-sxfe libxine-dev libxine2 what other i need.. this is for pure linux for compiling from source(no apt-get)


Entwicklung [ Development ] / New Application
« on: March 28, 2012, 07:45:48 »
MarMic you have some kind STB - dreambox for example...
This box work non stop you just turnoff TV - but the dreambox still work. (this way MLD work too)
I want to have option to put MLD in suspend (without channel to play on screen). I dreambox you have option suspend in menu. Whats happend when you press it? --> that's what I want, my system still work but just tunner is stoped and when i want with remote to turn it on again..

I hope you understand me :)  

Entwicklung [ Development ] / New Application
« on: March 27, 2012, 14:27:11 »
@orgel thanks for the info.
Do you know is it possible to stop live tv in vdr, just to show this logo picture like when you don't have signal or something like this?

Entwicklung [ Development ] / New Application
« on: March 27, 2012, 13:59:14 »
ok I understand it :)
Every one who will use this plugin will change this file :) because position a saved in rotor not in file..

I have a 2 questions: can I stop live tv and resume it when I want. I mean no timeshift , just like in dreambox- suspend options?
and if I switch to xbmc for example is vdr still play live tv on background?


Entwicklung [ Development ] / New Application
« on: March 27, 2012, 11:10:57 »
@orgel .. i think you have old information :) OE support both tvheadend and vdr. For vdr you can use xvdr(better) or vnsi. there is some other plugins for vdr but not too much.
I dont like tvheadend - is not stable and cant hold many channels